1 minute read

Who is Selling Buttress Plaster Lath to all these plasterers ?

QOMEONE in your section is making money by simply r-' supplying the demand for Buttress Interior Lath and Exterior Stucco Backing.

Because hundreds of plasterers are using thousands of yards. Arid they are buying it from the handiest lumber yard or material dealer. If you haven't Buttress in stock they'll go to the dealer who has. Th"y won't take other laths-Buttress has "spoiled" them. It's so much easier to work over Buttress-and it's easier 1s n6iland there's no waste.. No wonder it's the favorite plaster base.

Sell it I There's plenty of profit for you in every sale.Buttress Mfg. Co., 6910 So. Alameda St., [.os Angeles.

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