1 minute read
A Nerv ssBrothertt for the Original Gerlinger
Model Hi
Hydraulic4 cylinderr in uniron.
Enginc: Standard Ford' ron Power unit.
Cornpound Steering Gear.
Lifrl. ?,6 inchcr.
Turning Radiur: 12 fcet.
Tahcr a ny rtendard eer:ricr load.
Spccd: 3 rpeedr forward; I raYcrrc.
HEN this company entered the field of manufacturing Lum' W b.r Carriers, its policy was to provide machines that would meet every condition confronting the lumber operator. In the perfection of the hydraulic lift principle for use in carriers, we believed we had produced the most practical, efficient, trouble-proof and strongest carrier ever made.
The instant popularity of the Gerlinger and the success its users are enjoying with it, is proof enough that we had evolved a carrier far better than had ever been made before.
The Model HI, pictured at the left above, was the 6rst Hydraulic Lift Carrier produced. Yet we found that there were some mills in which condiiions were somewhat unusual, and this brought us to the production of a new Carrier to fit these special needs. The Model HS, Single Hydraulic Lift Canier, shown at ttre right above, is the result.
Reference to the specificatione will show the difference in theee two carriers. They are both Gerlingers-, with all the'guality and troubleproof operation that the name impiles.
Dirtributorr for Oregon, \f,/arhington, Idaho, and Montana:
135 Frenont St., San Francieco, Calif. ll37 E3rd St" Brooklyn' N'Y'
Model Hs
Hydraulicriaglc cylinder.
Enginc: Contincntal Heavy Duty Motor with Battcry ard Sclf Startcr. Cam and Lcvcr Steering Gean Lift! 14 incher. For low ovcrhead clcerancc{ ft.9 in. to top of drivc/r rcat curh. ion.
Takc eny rtandard carricr load.
Turning Rediur: 12 fcct.
Spccd: 3 rpccdr for. ward; I rGvcrrc.