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Albion Lumber Co. The ldeal Wood Hold Annual Picnic for Port 0rford
The annual picnic of the Albion Lumber Co. was held on June 26, in the beautiful Redwood Grove about a mile souih of the company's Navarro mill, on the north fork of the Navarro Rivel. Nearly 800 attended the picnic, which included the employees and logging crews of the Albion and Navarro mills, tbgether with their families and guests, and representatives from their San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego offices.
At 11:00 A. M., the logging train conveying the crowd from the Albion Mill arrived at the picnic grounds. Many also made the trip from the Albion mill by automobile. The picnic grounds, located in a beautiful stand of second growth redwood with numberless balloons of different colors and other decorations suspended from the tree branches, made an excellent setting for the festivities.
The afternoon was devoted to field and athletic events, the main events on the program being the log sawing contest and the tug-of-war between teams representing the Albion and Navarro Mills. The log sawing contest was won by Dan Kukko, who sawed a log 2 feet and 7 inches in diameter in 4 minutes and 1 second. The tug-of-war was won by the team representing the Navarro Mill.
During the afternoon dancing was enjoyed in the open air pavilion by a large crowd.
Mr. C. F. Flinn, gineral manager of the Albion Lumber Co., and Mrs. Flinn, acted as the host and hostess of the party. Joe Fifer, Oscar Johnson, Miss Bell and rW. Wallace, from the San Francisco office were present. Frank Clough, Los Angeles, the company's Southern representative, and R. Conyers, representative in the San Diego territory, also attended the affair. '
Captain E. A. Selfridge, Jr. of San Francisco, recently appointed United States Lumber Trade Commissioner with head'quarters at Tokyo, Japan, and Axel Oxholm, Director of National Commission on wood utilization, will be the speakers at a special luncheon of the Portland Hoo Hoo Club, August 3. The Portland Club has discontinued the regular fortnightly luncheons during the summer season.
Harry Officer Visiting Santa Cruz
Harry Officer, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, together with his family, was a Santa Cruz visitor around fhe middle of the month. Harry spent a few days at the favorite beach resort, leaving his family there for a month's vacation. He plans to spend his week ends with his family during their sojourn at the beach.