3 minute read
Reap These Bigger PROFITS
On and after April l5th, 1926, all NB Quality Hardwood Flooring will be sold
Cash With Order
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
This is the first time in the Hardwood Flooring Industry that small purchases of flooring are being sold at car load prices.
Hipolito Screen
Doors and Window
Screens are Guaranteed to Satisfy Your Customers.
\Y/ E cannot state it any more plainly. YV We mean just exactly what we say.
Nothing about "grade rules" or anything else but your customer's satisfaction.
Now if someone does not feel entirely satisfied give him back his money. Don't argue pleas*-let's get the.customer satisfied and we'll make it right with you.
Lumber Jingles
Every single farmer in the country 'round about you ought to have a modern mansion for his hen. Get after him with energy nor worry should he flout you and exclaim your lumbe'r costs too many yenf Come back at him and tell him that you think you ought to sell him, for a farmer shouldn't call your lumber high. You have a thousand chances, for the market that enhances wood a little shoots the pork up in the slry. What if you make a penny more, at least you don't make many, for the profits that you make must go for meat, and the man wlro grows the hogs and steers should laugh inptead of shedding tears when you tip off your price per thousand feet. The price he gets for corn and oats, for cotton and for budding shoats, for almost every crop that he can raise, will buy more shingles, lath and planks for building barns or lining tants than ever he received i4 former days. And if he starts to make a kick just show to him a common brick and put it n€xt a single ear of corn; and he'll agree his corn will get more brick today than ever yet he got in fair exchange since he was born.
"Mose, I am sorry to hear th4t you buried your wife last week."
Yassuh, boss, Ah jus' had to-she was daid."
Yes Indeed
"llow modestly she dresses, and how sensibly."
"Yes, that woman will do anything to attract attention."
Among Wolves
The great French liberator, yoltqi;irffas once asked why he had been so bombasticlFcertain occasiorS and he replied:
"Don't be afraid to be called'gr*n"' d Elbert Hubbard. "We do all of our growing v/he e are 'green.' It's
Speaking Of Inherited
Germanicus was a great Roman splendid character, a broad minded, good hearted
His wife was a gentlewoman in every of the word, a fitting mate for a remarkably fine
They had two children, Caligula Aggripina.
Caligula became Emperor of He was the worst Emperor Rome ever had, a ,abrute,adegenerate
Aggripina, the a monster in her own right, and she gave a monster-Nero. and inheritances, get busy on Students of family this historical upset.
"Let me today do something that shall take A little sadness from the world's vast store, And may I be so favorqd as to make
Twixt dawq and dark, and to my conscience say Because of some-good act to beast or manThe world is better that I lived today."
Law Office Departments
It is said that every well equipped law of;Fce has three distinct and separate, departments, as follow5
One for those who are in trouple, and tgilfg to get out.
One for those who are out of i\oub]gffd trying to get in.

And the last for those who ar\.ft of trouble and want to keep out.
And the latter is where the big money comes from.
Apple Sauce
Myrtle: "I don't care a fig for studying."
Gertie: "Same here. It gets you no dates."
"QUALITY" Oak Flooring
"Marathontt Maple Flooring
Hardwood Lumber
Dircct Mill Rcprcrcntetivc
In Case Of Illness
"Have you put up much sauerllaut thi asked his friend.
when a man begins to think he i decaying." e, that he finds he is fife barrels in case
"No, I didn't haf time. I only uf sickness."
Cooling Father
Daddy-No, yer mother never dressed like you girls do today, to catch a husband.
Daughter-yes, and look what she got.
6O46 Carloc Ave. - GRanite 3642 flt-
A. L HOOVER - 706 Standerd Oil Bld& PHONE!| VArdlo t!!a TUcL.n rC