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Sudden e, Ghristenson Lunber and SHpdng
7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg., AGBNTS
Ancricrn Mill C,o.
Hoquirn Lunbcr & Shinrlc Co.
Hulbcrt Mill Co.
Wiltrpe Hetboc Luobcc MiIL
6t0 Bo.!d of Tradc Bldg;
3lO Sansome Street, San Francisco STEAMERS
AbG!d..n, VrrL Ryder Hanify
. Hoquiem, Verh. Dorothy Cahill
Abcd..o, Voh" Jane Chrirtearoa
. Reymond, WarL Charler Chrirtcaro Branch Oficcr: SEATTLE
National Bank of Commccc Bldg.
Buys Yard At Encinitas
Roy Seemann has purchased the Osbeck Lumber Company at Encinitas which he will operate under the name of Seemann Lumber Company. Mr. Seemann is formerly of Austin, Minnesota, where he was engaged in the coal and grain business, and prior to that he was in the lumber business.
Back From El Dorado County
R. H. (ReS) Carter, salesman with Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent his vacation on a big cattle ranch in El Dorado County. The high spot of an enjoyable time was a lion hunt on which he went with State lion hunter Jay Bruce. They got their lion, a l/2-yearold female.
Annie Chrirtcnroa
Edwin Chrirteuoo
Cetterinc G. Suddro
Eleanor Chtirtcoroo
20O Hcnry Bldg.
Roy Myers Resigns
Roy H. Myers resigned as ma.nager of the Peoples Lumber Company's yard at Oxnard, effective July 10. He was with the company for eighteen years, starting as bookkeeper in the Ventura office in 192L, and was soon advanced to assistant general manager, in which capacity he served for sixteen years. Two years ago he was promoted to manager of the Oxnard yard. He will announce his future plans at a later date.
LeRoy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanto,n & Son, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Stanton, who have been vacationing in Vancouver, B. C., will return on August 1.