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C. D. Johnsen lumber Corporation

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Wy"ernwood Village

Wy"ernwood Village

This airplane view qonveys some idea of the size and extent of our plant-with the largest capacity, narnely, 47 M pet hour, of any car-and-cargo mill in Oregon. Cargo and rail shipments of Soft Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. l7eekly sailings to California ports; packaged lumber stowed even lengths and widths.


SAN FBANCISCO f,. B. Gricwold

A; B. McCullougb NewhcU Bldg. 260 Cqlilornic SL

Pbone GArlield 6258



B. T. Gbeen

C. P. Hcary

PeL Sec. Bldg. 714 W. Olynpic Blvd. Phone PBorpect 1165

Sizes: Yz lo 1Yz H.P.

Priced: $265.00 to $590.00 l0ll Harrison St., Ocklcnd, Ccrlil. 106l Folsom St., Scrn Frcrncisco, Cqlil.

An Epitaph To A Leg

(The Marquis of Anglesea lost a leg at the battle of \llfaterloo, and when they buried the leg they put over the grave a tombstone with the following epitaph:) Here rests-and let no saucy knave Presume to sneer and laugh, ' To learn that mouldering in the grave Is laid-a British calf.

A leg and foot, to speak more Plain, Rest here of one commanding,. Who though his wits he may retain, ' Lost half his understanding.

And now in England, just as gaY, As in the battle brave, He goes to rout, review, and PlaY, With one foot in the grave. **


The school teacher wanted to know which of the scholars knew what "dressed lumber" meant. Little Johnnie answered right quickly:

' "I know, teacher. It means Charlie McCarthy." ***

Lo The Poor Farmer

"'What's your brother Dick doing now?"

"Dickts a stock salesman."

'lAnd what's Bill doing?"

"Bill's a minister."

"And Tom?"

"Tom's in politics."

"And what are you doing?"

"I'm farming; and feeding, Dick, and Bill, and Tom."


Uncle Mose declares that ever since his wife Liza lnad him drug into police court and fined for hitting and blacking her eyes, he's entirely quit hitting her.

"Yassah," he said, definitely. 'Fum now when dat'oman zasperates me, Ah'm just gwine t'kick huh good. Den les see huh show dat to de jedge."

Asking For Detailed Bids

They tell about the surgeon who received the following request for quotations:

Dear Doctor: Am in the market for bids on one operation for appendicitis; one, two, or five inch incision, with or without ether, also with or without nurse. If appendix is found to be sound, want quotation to include putting back same and cancelling order. If removed, successful bidder is expected to hold incision open for sixty days, as I expect to be in the market for a gall stone operation at that time, and want to save the additional cutting charge. ***


There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions while they are fresh upon him can have no hope for them afterwards. They will be dissipated, lost, and will perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sink in the slough of indolence.-Maria Edgeworth.



Here is a list of questions about obiects we see or use almost every day. But how many questions can you answer?

1. What time is shown on all painted clocks?

2. How many times does the numeral (1) appear on the one-dollar bill?

3. What is the color of the ten-cent stamp?

4. When you open a closed door, do you turn the knob to the right or to the left?

5. What is the lowest recording on a clinical thermometer?

6. If quotation marks are considered to be commas in form, are the opening pair upside down or right side up?

7. How about the closing pair of quotation marks? (AND HERE ARE THE ANSWERS)

1. Twenty-eight minutes past eight.

2. Nine times.

3. Yellow.

4. Either way.

5. Ninety-four degrees

6. Upside down.

7. Right-side up.

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