1 minute read

Sell the Utiltty of

Tap the teverlasting' market oI old rooms with this new material-sell it in all types of new rooms!

Put yourself in shaPe to sell a steady flow oI remodel jobs in restaurantg hotels, storest schools, churches, theatres, homes. Furnish lasting satisIaction, enduring beauty with this remarkable wall and ceiling treatment.

W'eatherwood* Blendtex is a "4- way' product that builds, insulates' decorates and quiets noise.Its predec' orated surlace is especially treated lor long wear. There are several bl,ended colors in a variety oI sizes of board. tile and plank.

Get the lull story. Ask Your USG representative lor the Blendtex profit story Mail the couPon lor a ftee photo book ol Blendtex iobs.

Riverside Lumber Yard, 3O2I Riverside Drive, Los Angeles, at the junctio,n of this busy thoroughfare and Glendale Boulevard, has a splendid location and presents an attractive appearance to passers-by with its well painted exterior.

This business was started as a corporation in l9Z4 and was taken over three years ago by E. T. ("Pete,') Nelson, who has been active in the concern since the start and is now sole owner.

Mr. Nelson got his start in the wholesale end of the lumber business in 1913 with Colby & Dickenson, Seattle, remaining with this firm up to l-917, when he enlisted in the Navy for war service. lle came to California in lgZI and worked for E. K. Wood Lumber Co. until l9Z4 when


W. W. Wattson, of Minneapolis, Minn., secretary of International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, attended a dinner with L. J. Woodson, member of Hoo-Hoo Supreme Nine, and Bert Bryan, Vicegerent Snark for Northern California, at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on luly lZ, for the purpose of discussing aff-airs of the Order.

Buys Willamette Carrier

Gorman Lumber Company, San Francisco, has purchased a Willamette Utility Carrier for handling lumber and making deliveries to yards in the San Francisco Bay area.

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