4 minute read


By Jack Dionne


Ag" Ior 20 years---Some less A Lesal Findins

Mose Jackson called on the leading colored attorney of Darktown, to see what he could do about getting a divorce. The lawyer asked him all sorts of questions, but shook his head dubiously when it appeared that the wife had not really done anything to furnish him sufficient grounds for divorce, and Mose had simply "loss his taste fo' huh," as he so delicately put it. So the lawyer told him to come back the next day, and in the meantime he would delve deeper into the situation and see if he could find a loop-

R. F. (Dick) Hammatt, assistant chief of the U. S. Forest Service, left San Francisco July 17 after spending a few days with his daughter. He was on his way back to Washington, D. C., from a trip to Alaska with F. A. Silcox, chief of the U. S. Forest Service.

hole that would set Mose Jackson free.

When he came back the next day, he found the lawyer, with a smile of deep satisfaction on his face.

"Is you foun' de groun's fo' deevoce whut you ben lookin' fo'?" he wanted to know, immediately.

"I sho is foun' 'em," said the lawyer, "an I is tell you dat I kin get you a deevoce on account wife's pappy nevah had no license to carry a gun weddin'."

CARL BAHR IN CALIFORNIA to of you' at you' glad

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All in one catalog-Er*rance Doore which are architecturally correct and meet any individual preference requirement-Inwrior Doore for any type of interior; includes the modern Streamliner which szccess/ully combinee Btrength, light weight, beauty and eoonomy and provides numerous outatanding advantagee-Garage Doore, the new economical overhead type VOCO Craw-Fir-Dor ag well aa conventional doore in many deeigns.


"sunrhine House" at Treasure lsland

In the Homes and Gardens Section of Treasure Island is a charming, five-room bungalow set amid green lawns and shrubbery, and surrounded by a badminton court, a ping pong table, a barbecue pit, a sun court and a sand box for children. This bungalow is "sunshine House," a $6,000 model home.

Labor unions, trade associations, and firms in the construction field took cognizance of their common goals, and pulled together in a concerted effort to stimulate building activity.

The result was "Sunshine lIouse," the constrgction industries' own idea of what the ideal small California home should be-a model of good construction. It is expected to create a strong desire for new homes, to convince the prospective home owner that every dwelling should offer plenty of recreational facilities, and to create a greater "home consciousness" on the part of the thousands who visit the exhibit.

It was with tftese objectives in mind that labor donated the services of its finest skilled craftsmen, and material men do,nated the needed materials, manufacturers and distributors donated services and equipment, and, all working together under the guidance of the Construction Industries Section of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.

They had in mind, also, the education of visitors toward easier detection and appreciation of good construction. When visitors enter the house, they see small sections of the walls and floors cut away, featuring the quality construction. "Sunshi,ne House," after its promotional purpose has been served, will be given arvay.

Parson Simpkin Ninth Annual Reunion

Chas. G. Bird of the Stockton Lumber Co.. Stockton. was appointed chairman of the Parson Simpki.n Memorial Association at a meeting of the Association held in Oakland, July 2L

The date of the reunion, to be held at Calaveras Big Trees, was set for Saturday, September 30, and Sunday, October 1. Tully Knoles, preside.nt of College of the Pacific, Stockton, will give the memorial address. Jas. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, will be in charge of the campfire meeting on Saturday evening, September 30.

Appointed Hardwood Manager

J. D. Murphy has been appointed manager of hardwood department of the Owens-Parks Lumber Co., Los Angeles, succeeding W. B. Jones, who recently resigned to go in the lumber business. Mr. Murphy has been with the companlr for the past eleven years and was formerly yard superintendent of their hardwood department. He is well known in hardwood lumber circles in the Southern California territory.

On Sick List

George Macfarlane, Klicka Lumber is on the sick list and is confined to in San Diego.

Company, San Diego the Marine Hospital


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There's no getting around it-every good-looking, durable stuceo job you do insures future business. That's why it's so important to keep a close ctrreck on quality. Here are some of the rules that insure a good job:

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Write for free "PLASTERER'S MANUAL," covering specifications and rnethods for making good stucco.


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