3 minute read
Speakins of Sellins
By Jack Dionne
Believing cs I do that sticktoitiveness is the most importcnrt thing in salesmcnship, I wcrs glcd the other dcy to stumble orrer c remcrrk mcde by the lqte Calvin Coolidge, when he wcrs Preeident. Coolidge said:
'Nothing in the world can tcke the plcce ol persistence. Tqlent will not. Nothing is more common thcn unsuccesslul men with tclent. Genius will not. Unrewcrded genius is c.lmost cr proverb. Educqtion will not. The world is lilled with educcted derelicts. Persistence qnd detemrinction clone cre omnipotent. The slogcrn 'press on' has solved cmd clwcrys will solve, the problems oI the humcm rcce."
At a time when locrfing crnd spending qre almost cs highly esteemed in this country cs working cmd scving used to be, those words ol the lcrte President crre cs cooling wqter rippling through ct sylvcrn noolc A very gensible, veryt aqne, very prcrcticcrl mcn was this Coolidge. And very fine crdvice to students ol sclesmanship cre his words on persistence. It simply mecns the courqge to stcy in there cnd pitch, when every lczy bone in your lrcme is expostulcrting: "Let's ccll it c dcry."
At the scrme time I enioyed the remcrrks oI some less eminent cruthority thcrn Mr. Cooldige on the subiect ol strlesmcnrship. The lellow who sent them to me didnt know their quthor. But his words hcrve plenty ol kiclc He scrys thct c successlul scrlesmcn should hcve the lollowing qucrlities:
The curiosity of c cct.
The tencrcity oI cr bulldog.
The detennincrtion ol c taxi driver.
The diplomccy oI c wcrywcrd husbcmd.
The pcrtience oI q sell-sacrilicing wile.
The enthusicrsm oI cr llcrpper
The lriendliness ol cr child.
The good humor of cn idiot.
The simplicity of c icckcrss.
The qssurcnrce oI a college boy.
The energy ol c collector of pcst-due bills.
West Coast Lumberments Association
Publisher New Differential Lists
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association has released to manufacturers, distributors and its rail trade two new basic Differential Lists for the various widths and lengths of Z' dimension, plank and small timbers, and timbers. These Lists succeed Lumber Code Authority Bulletin 30, published in July, 1934, and which has continued in use since the era of minimum prices under N.R.A.
The two Lists are classified as "D-39," which includes dry dimension, green plank and small timbers, and timbers; and as "G-39," which covers green dimension, plank and small timbers, and timbers.
Changes in building practices, a much larger volume of home construction and msdern developments of building design, such as the lowering of ceiling heights, have brought about a need of revamping the differentials in value between West Coast lumber items, which are directly accountable to variations in supply and demand. Lumber Code Authority Bulletin 30 necessarily correlated competitive lumber species. Due to this and to subsequent changes in construction standards, the former Differential List no longer reflects relative values. Use dissatisfaction led to industry desire for reissue.
The new'West Coast Lists are simplified tables of differentials to be applied specifically to West Coast items, and are not price lists. They are subject either to discount as sales instruments of those desiring to sell o.ff a basic list, or may be employed by manufacturers and distributors in issuing their own lists-in this case as a guide to differential value as between widths and lengths.
The Lists were compiled by the Association with the expectation of reissue at intervals of six months. This, the Association believes, will avoid the freezing of discounts caused by long use and consequent reluctance on the part of users to change their buying methods to meet changing conditions. This has been best illustrated by the length of time "Rail B List" outlived its actual period of industry service.
The new Lists are available, at nominal cost, from the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, 364 Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington.
For Annlvernio, Convenllonr, Spechl Evcntr, P*hting, Eurlnsr Promollon, L.tl.n, 31G,, s. EASTMAN Scrk.Lrbehr rnborcrd ln onc rnd tro color on mrtrllic Gold or Sllvo rnd colored p.p.r!. fh. hd word ln dolta llrd nerchrndir. ln! rhowmrnrhlp.
Contdnr rlcl rtt*dvr dedjnr lid rrr doln; Inprslvr lobc ol publlcitr md rlllna Erd. nrn'r I Vrd:rn DLnt wlth :pecdy moltl.colot rnd enbodng Drertr iivc qulck rrlcrhlghrd qudlty-lowrd prlco, Over !0,000 cllrtom.n. 10 ofico rnd 15 rervlcr.dono arZanfu.dL
SUPER-Horbord stand up undet oll Y€oth€r condltlon3 ond constont |notlon.
,OB SIGNS, honglns rlgns, A-boord slgns- for your cusiomett or for your ovn gse-otg bullt better wlth SUPERHorbord.
AGAINST PLY SEPARATION due to moisture or ony weotheringconditions /
DtThe lield of outdoor signs is q good one lor lumber declers to lind exbc proliis in sllPffi-Hqrbord, the origincrl outdoor plywood, ls1 rhis qse.
SIIPER-Hcnbord urcher tbe typer of etEnr rLeichcd hcreod lhougqrds srorelhcl withrtqnd oll lciadg ol weqlher sad clinclebccquse lhlr permcaentty wectherprool plyrood b gucccrnteed cgclnsl ply Bsparcrlion duo to qrry molctute or weqth- tgR FURT1ER erinE conditloas. It's UEht, eosy tmd econonlccl to lNFoRllAtl0il usg ltgacwg recdily, requtog c nlnlmum ol brqc. irg. Fcatuo SIIPER-Hcrbord lor rlqnm . . edEcbrqaded wlth the nquequiclty crvcllcble tom our sttdteElcally loccrted wqrehouesr.
Hanbor Ptywood Corporation
DISTRIBUTINC WAREHOUSES: Atlonto, Boltimore, Chicoso, Cincinnoti, Clevelond, Columbus, Indionopolis, Jocksonville, Los Angeles, Miomi, Milwoukee; New Orleons, Philodelphio, Pittsburgh, Son Frorrcisco, Tompo, Toledo, Woshington, D. C., Wotertown, Moss. REPRESENTATIVES: Billings, Denver, Konsos City, Omoho, Worcester.