1 minute read
Cabinet Made Doors of lDistinctive Design and Gharacter executed in beautif"Uy gruined AGAC
Here aredoors of unusual beauty!
Made -of beautiful BAGAC . . . thepeet of all hardwoods . . Bagac cabinet made doors offer the lumber dealer a line of stock doors designed by a famous architect . and constructed withall the care and skill of the exPert cabinet-maker.
Bagaccabinet made doors are not to be confused with the ordinaty type of mill-made stockdoors, for they ate both architecturally correct in design and accurate in workmanship. Hence they enable the dealer to offer a door of character and individuality at a moderate price.
Bagac cabinet made doorsare available in a wide variety of distinctive designs. Mouldings are interchangeable, afiording an unlimited opportunity to provide doors to meet specialized, requirements.
Bagac cabinet-made doors will bea profit'maker for hun' dreds of dealers, everywhere. A postalcard will bring a complete catalog of designs and sizes for interiorr exterior and French doors.
- Bagac, together aith Balaan anil Lamao are produceil bg us on our oun |irnber concessions in the Philippine Islands'

J. E. MARTIN Managing Editor