3 minute read
' Incclnrated un&r the laws o[ Cdifmla J. C. Dlonne, Prer. and Tm.; J. E. Martln, Vicc.Prea; A. C. Merrym, Jr., Sccy. Pr*f,lh€d the lrt ud l5th of cach mth at 3r&rt-20 Centnl Buildirs, lot W6t Slxth Stree! Lc Angele, CaL, Tetcphoe, VAndllc ,|9f5 EnGred a Secod-clu mttcr SepteEbq 6, I)4 at rh; pctofite-at Lor Angeles, Califmla, under Act of Much i. fft9.
Subecription Price, $2.1D pcr Ycar r ^ single copiee, 2s centr each. r-,./S ANGELES, CAL., AUGUST 15, lg3} eacn. I trr.,rv
How Lumber Looks
_D_ouglar Fir-Lumber production during the week ended August 2at 349 milh reportins to thJWest Coast Lumberm,en's Association, wa! 48.05 fer cent of capacity. Th_ia compares with 49.45 per cent of capacity for the priceding_week and with an average of G3 per cent of capacity from January 1 to June 1. The indusiry, rince the-weeft "r!i"S I|day 24,har been operating at -gr€atly reduced schedules, resulting, according to the estimite of the Wert Coast Lumbermen'E Asociation, in a total reduction of output, during the ten weekr, of approximately 47OrO0O'(X)O board feet. This is three weeks- production for the entire indushy of Oregon, Warhington Jnd British Colurnbia, according to the Association, at presetrt operating scheduler.
There have been no noticeable changia in thi Cdifornia martet during the part tss wsglc-the demand is slow, prices are not any weaker and remain about the rame. The recent reduction of the Atlantic Coast cargo freight rate to $8.0O per thousand has rtimulated business on the Eart Coast which should have a good effect on the California market ar some of the wholeralers report that they have been having difficulty of late in filling out their orders due to the shutdown of rnany of the cargo milk. Unsold stocks at San Pedro on Auguet 13 totaled 814061000 feet, a reduc'tion of over a million feet ar compared with two-weekr ago. 52 lumber veuels in the coastwire renrice are tied up.
The California Redwood Ascociation report for the week ended August 2 rhowed that new busineo exceeded production. Redwood production from g millr was reported as 4r460,0(F feet, shipments 3,969,000 feet and orders 4,6O1,OOO feet. The California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturerr Arsociation for ttre week ended Augrlrt
C. A. Suiter
C. A. Suiter, prominent Southern California retail lumberman and assistant secretary of the Fox-Woodsum T umber Co., died suddenly at his home on Sunday, August 10. at Glendale. Calif.
Mr. Suiter was born in, Missouri forty-one years ago. He had been connected with the Fox-Woodsum I.umber Co. for the past twenty years. He is survived by his wife, Nellie G. Suiter, and one daughter, Doris IMae. Funeral services were held at the Kiefer-Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale, at 1:00 p. n., Tuesday, August 12. Burial was at Redlands, California.
C. J. Wesson, Superintendent of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., docks at Wilmington, left Los Angeles on August .14,. for Europe via the Panama Canal.
2 reported production from 16 millr ac 16r948r(XX) feet, shipmentr 13rO13rOO0 feetandorderr 12,136,(XX) feet. The Redwood and Pine marketr rhow very little change and pricer are about the ralne. 6trtra*+sa*a*
While lumber dernand in both hardwoodr and roftwoods continued low, production during the week ended Augurt 2 was down to a level clorely comparable with demand, it is indicated in reports from 36g leading hardwood and softwood mills to the National Lumber Manufacturcrr Anociation. New burinesr at there millr amormted to 94 per cent and shipments 99 per cent of a total production of 29O,689,Ofi) feet.
Thc cunent relationrhip of shipmentr and ordem to production for the first 3l weeks of the yeaf ar reported by the regional aerociationr to the National Lumber Manufacturers .A,rsociation follows:
Wect Coast Lumbermen't Anociation-Production 4r736,323 M feet; Shipmentr 4,622,042 M feet; Orders 4,640,434 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Auociation-Production 567,247 M feet; Shipmentr 636,133 M feet; Orderr 645,898 M feet.
California Redwood [6esisti66-p6{uction 2141627 M feet; Shipmentr 197,345 M feet; Orderr 199,290 M feet.
Southern Pine Acrociado,n-Production 117841148 M feet; Shipmentr 1,65017O5 M feet; Orders 1r626,M2 M feet.
:al Hardwoods-Production 113151865 M feet; Ship1,101,808 M feet; Orden 1,041,593 M feet.
Change of Ownership
H. Homer Miller of the Miller-McDermott Hardwood Qo., San Diego, announces that he has sold out his interest ih the company to W. J. McDermott who will continue the business under the same name. Prior to his entering in business with Mr. McDermott in 1923, Mr. Miller was connected with E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles. He plans to spend the next few months in Northern California and Oregon on a hunting and fishing trip, returning to Southern California around the first of December.
Plans Tohold Concat In September
Carl Shufelt, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Vicegerent Snark of the Los Angeles district, is planning to hold a dinner and concatenation during the latter part of September.