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Millwork Institute Holds Tri"Annual Conference at Pasadena
JTrade promotion, legislation, iccredited standards, conditions and problems of the industry, the value of uniform price schedules and coopeiation were discussed by the members of the Millwork Institute of California at thb TriAnnual Conference held at theHotel Huntington, Pasadena, on August 7,8 and 9.
T\ Hg_ntington, located in a beautiful 27 acre park of the Oak Knoll section of Pasadena, withits many- oppor- tunities for pleasure and recreation, offered an ideal seltitg for the Conference. The banquet which was held at Thi H_untingrlon on Friday evening, August 8, was an enjoyable affair. The Conference voted to hold the annual meiting, lvhich lvill be held in November, at San Francisco.
Thursday Afternoon, August 7
The regular meeting of the Board of pirectors was held on^-Thursday afternoon, the business session starting at l:30 p. m.
Friday Morning, August 8
President A. \AI. Bernhauer, Fresno Planing Mill, Fresno, called the meeting together at 9:00 a. m., and introduced R, O. Orbinson, City Manager for the City of Pa_sadena, who welcomed the delegates to Pasadena.
In opening the business session President Bernhauer stated that the business of the Institute is being run by the Board of Directors who are taking a keen interest in the affairs of the Institute and who are giving their best efforts to the Institute's program which is being expanded along trade promotion lines. ".Wood is the most wonderful building material on earth, and there is a distinct trend back to wood," Mr. Bernhauer de,clared. He asked the delegates to talk wood and think wood and put wood inits rightful place. He urged the members to ask a decent priie for their products. A big factor in quoting r,r'ood against steel, he stated, is that rvood quotations are so much cheaper that the millu,orker is handicapped by the cheapness of the product they sell. "Intelligent trade promotion is the salvation of the lumber industry." he stated. The vital need of the Millwork Institute of California is for everybody to get together and cooperate, give the Directors the support they need, and rve rvill get a program we are proud of, he concluded.
President Bernhauer announced that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on the previous afternoon lhat they approved the appointment of Miss Caroline Wood, in charge of the Institute's office at Fresno. to be Assistant Secretary of the Institute.
. L. G. Sterett, Manager, Service Bureau, Millwork Institute of Cali{ornia, in his report discussed the trade promo- tion activities of the Institute. During the past yiar, he reported that he had covered 30,000 mlles atiending .sales meetings and contacting architects in the state. HJstated that sales organizations can assist a great deal in the Institute's,trade promotion program. Regarding advertising, he stated thattheInstitute spends very little for publicity but that the benefits of advertising are 100 per cent righi. Mr. Sterett told the delegates the value of photographs of excellent millwork, and asked them to have photographs taken of their millwork installations. maili.rg same to itr. Institute's office where they will be used to good advantage for publicity purposes. Mr. Sterett urged the mill mett io cooperate and present a united front, and he mentioned instances where substitutes were used for rvood sash without consulting the millworkers.
Mr. Sterett announced that five new members had ioined the Institute, and tlr.o reinstatements had been made, during the past three months.
President Bernhauer announced the receipt of a telegram from_ _A. C. .llorner, San Francisco, Western Manag6r of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. advising that Dr. Wilson Compton, Secretarv, and W. F. Shaw-, Trade Extension Manager of the National, would be in San Francisco on August 13 or 14 and if the San Francisco members were interested that Mr. Compton and Mr. Shaw u'ould be pleased to meet with them.
President Bernhauer read the financial statement of the Institute as of August 1. He announced that just as soon as the finances of the Institute would permit, that a new man would be added to assist Mr. Sterett.
R. S. Grant, San Francisco, Manager of the Northern Branch of the Millwork Institute of California, reported on the millwork activities in Northern California. Ierrv Sulli(Continued on Page 14)