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ards. In discussing Associations such as this, Mr. Hunt protection to which they are entitred, Dr. Moriarty said, and ;?i"1 that he was interested in this subject because ire wanted good ofits members. 'i{U healthy growth is necessarily to see business get on a professional basis. A "certificate gradual and never without somi let-back," Mr. Huni ot com.petency" will result in better distribution of products declared. and willl the public, he concluded.

7 Percy Dixon, Los Angeles, an ex-President of the Insti\

Friday Afternoon, August I / tute, and C. W. Lannom, Oakland, Vice President for the \

, In opening the afternoon session, President Bernhaue/ Northern District, addressed the convention with r6e4J advised that the Board of Directors had discussed thC talks. legisJative program proposed by Dr. W. D. Moriarty durin{ Henry Swafiord, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, the_ luncheon period and they were of the opinion that it \tressed the necessity of all factors in the wood industry had, merit and should be put across. He siated that all to cooperate for the good of the industry. To remedy mills in California would be mailed a copy of the program ,existing conditions in the lumber industry so as to gei as proposed !y Dt. Moriarty at an early date, and hoped b-ac\ t9 normalcy, he recommended; to talk optimism Ior that some action l,r'ould be taken on the matter at the next the balance of the year; build confidence in ourselves and meeting. business and help r-estore the confidence of the public; get Jason McCune, Los Angeles, Southern California rep- behind the movement_being sponsored by Presidint Hooier resentative of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association -"Qw1 Your Own Home"; stabilize prices to get a legi- in charge of Trade Extension, discussed the trade extension timate profit based on costs. activities of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. IIe urged the industry to get-to-gether, get prices right, He stated that their program ties in with the trade promo- and to take an inventory of what-we arJ doing through tion program of the Millwork Institute, and he offeied the cooperation assistanJe of his Association to the Institute in promoting Ii was voted to hold the annual meeting, which will be the use of woods. held in November, at San Francisco. W. I-. Leishman,

Jerry Pearce, Sunset Lumber Company, Oakland, 9toryl City Manufacturing Co., Pasadena, was given a big stated that the Institute's new book, Accredited Standards, hand by the delegates for putting across the convention gave the industry a definite standard to work on. He also so successfully. discussed conditions in the millwork industryand the Friday Evening, August 8 possibilities of the Institute's trade extension program. __Th_" banquet was held Friday evening at the Huntington Bert Maule, Maule-Heber Company, Los Angelis, was Hotel. An excellent prog_ram was given during the evencalled on to say a few words to fhe tonvention] He said (Continued on eage tO;

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