4 minute read
Millwork Institute Conference
(Continued from Page 14) ingby the Fred Walker Troubadours which consisted oI eight entertainers. W. L. Leishman acted as master oI ceremonies and introduced James W. Foley, well known poet from the Pasadena Star-News, as toastmaster. Mr. Foley wai ?t his best and kept the large gathering in good cheer with his stories and rvitticisms.
Keith Powlison, Research Department, Security-First
rendered by the'hotel, and the many courtesies shown the delegates during the convention.
W. L. Leishman, Crown City Lumber Company, Pasadena, and L. G. Sterett, Manager, Service Bureau, Millwork Institute of California, were in charge of the arrangements for the convention.
Saturday, August 9
Saturday was devoted to recreation. Many of the delegates spent the day on the golf links, while others took automobile trips to the many interesting points in Southern California.
The registration was as follows:
Name Firm City
W. L. Leishman, Crown City Mfg. Co.,... .pasadena
Lathrop K. Leishman, Crown City Mfg. Co.. , . . pasadena
J. K. Kennedy, Pacific Mfg. Co,. , San Francisco
H. Coor-Pender, Frank Graves Sash, Door & Mill Co...Los Angeles
L. G. Sterett, Millwork Institute of Calif.. ....Fresno
W. M. Colbern, A. B. M. Service Co..... ...pomona
Geo. N. Kramer, American Lumberman. .Los Angeles
Carl Stewart, Hammond Lumber Co..... .......LosAnfeles
A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno Planing Mill Co.. .Fresno
/Mel Wharton, The Timberman.. .Los Angeles
Elwood Murray, Western Wood Worker..... ..LosAngeles
National Bank of Los Angeles, gave an excellent address on business conditions in the country and the future building possibilities in California.
John C. Austin, Los Angeles architect and President of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, told the Institute mcmbers that the Accredited Standards carries a fine message and contains much valuable information for the architects, also he hoped that they rvould be able to add to it so that the standards rvould be uniform in all architects' offices. He stated that the building industry and the millmen were not represented as much as they should be in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, and said that they should rub shoulders more lvith the business men. The millmen should knorv the people they sell to, do a good job and get closer to the people, he declared.
Mr. Austin said that he had been familiar rvith woodrvork forforty years, and stated that the milhvork industry should be built up on a scientific basis. He related some of the samples of r'voodwork that he had seen in Europe, stating that he had seen woodwork in some of the churches there 5@ years old. Mr. Austin referred to the inroads of substitutes in the milhvork industrv. and regarding business conclitions stated that condiiions were shor,ving an improvement rvith the architects and he felt that rve rvere on the brink of a nerv era.
A.W. Bernhauer made a short talk onthe value of cooperation. and he introcLuced Harry' A. Lake, Garden Grove I-umber Co., Garden Grove, and President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. Mr. Lake said it has been a pleasure to the State Association to have such close contact rvith the Milh.vork industry in the past, and he urged close cooperation ltetween the two branches of the industry. He spoke briefly on the activities of the State Association, saying that there are 11@ retail lumber dealers in the state rvho were willing to work in close contact with the millmen. We must have vision, the business is here if you know how to go after it, and the man who sells California short is going to go broke, Mr. Lake said.
In behalf of the Institute, Mr. Leishman thanked Glenn Green of the Huntington .Hotel for the excellent service
Ce3. W. Kaiser, Lannom Bros. Mfg. Co..... .......Oakland
Jim Clynick, Ilammond Lumber Co..... .......LosAngeles
J. L. Hodge, Lumber Products Sales Co.. Los Angeles
J. W. Shrimp, Cresmer Mfg. Co.. ...Riverside
H. W. Gaetjen, Empire Planing Mill Co.. ....SanFrancisco
E. J. Nutting, Herring & Nuttilig. .....San Francisco
Robt. S. Grant, M. I. C. Northern Division. ..SanFrancisco
J. O. O'Brien, Builders Supply. .......San Francisco
E. A. Nicholson, Pacific Door & Sash Co.. .....LosAngeles
Jerry Sulleran, Jr., Western Lumber Co..... .....SanDiego
C. W. Lannom, Lannom Bros. Mfg. Co..... .Oakland
Leslie G. Lynch, The L. W. Blinn Lbr. Co-. ...LosAngeles
W. Harry Green, West Coast Builder ...LosAngeles
A. J. Little, Sampson Co..... ......pasadena
Jason C. I\{cCune, West Coast Lumbermens Assn.. , Los Angeles
J. A. Brush, W. E. Cooper Lbr. Co.. ,Los Angeles
Roy E. James, W. E. Cooper Lbr. Co.. .LosAngeles
Orrie Hamilton, Lumbermens Service Bureau. San Diego tsill Sampson, Sampson Co..... .....pasadena
C. E. Loyd. ......LosAngeles
A. W. Koehl, John W, Koehl & Son. Inc.. .....LosAngetes
Oscar Olsen, Acme PlaningMill .....SanFrancisco
Chas. Monson, Acme Planing Mill
R. A. Niclas, National Mill & Lumber. .....Oakland
E. V. McCiintock, Redwood Mfg. Co.. pittsburg
L. M. Rosenberg, Hipolito Co..... ......LosAhgeles
H. L. Rosenberg, Hipolito Co..... ......LosAngeles
R. H. Rephail, So. Calif. Hardwood Mfg. Co.. ..LosAngeles
Bobby Byrne, Westerrr Hardwood Lumber Co.........LosAngeles
Gerald G. Pearce, Sunset Lumber Co..... ...Oakland
Clyde NI. l,iephart, W. P. Fuller & Co.. LosAngeles
J. G. Estabrook, Sunset Lrrmber Co..... ....Oakland
H.J. Nunneley, E. K. Wood Lumber Co...,...........LosAngeles
R. M. Engstrand, Pasadena Lumberrnens Club. ...pasadena
R. E. Ford, Cadwallader Gibson Co.. . Los Angeles
Thos. W. Dant, Dant & Russell. ....portland
E. W. Hemmings, Hammond Lumber Co.. , Los Angeles
H. S. Fraser, Republic Lumber Co..... ....pasadena
C. M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.. , Los Angeles
(Continued on Page 18)
Just think of all the folks who went out to the woods and the hills this summer. All of them could have used boats to good advantage, but few had them because they cost too much and really are a luxury
They did not know that you could give them a plan and sell them the necessary lumber so they could have a boat for the cost of a good pair of shoes, or a fair fishing rod.
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