1 minute read
Many shingle houses need restaining o. are you getting your share ol this profitable business?
TIHOUSANDS of new homes have been built and old homes rebeautified I with stained shingles in the last ten years. Many of them have begun to look a bit dingy ar.d gray by this time. Most of them could be made new again with Creo-Dipt Brushcoat Stains or Dixie White. And there's no reason why you shouldn't be getting your share of this business.
Flome-owners know Creo-Dipt Brushcoat Stains. They've seen them advertised, and they know the name Creo-Dipt and what it rheans. They know that Creo-Dipt Stains come in the same colors and have the same quality as Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles. Is it any wondet that dealers find them easier to sell than any other kind?
'We're prepared to give you all the sales help you need. Askyour Creo-Dipt or write for information to the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y.
Many shingle homes in your own com' munity could be made new with Creo' Dipt Stains. Your Creo-Dipt representative is ready to help you round up the prospects in your territory. OTHER
SHINGLES Stained Under Pressure