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wQlSisiuJkruft end,s Aoar hurdruood, floor trowhlesee
That's one of the many recommendations over l2rOOO dealers are able to give contractors and builders concenring tfiis super building paper. under hardwood and other types of foors, Sisalkraft provides an absolute stop to moisture and air seeping up from below, thus preventing warping and creaking. It is easy to apply also. It has clean surfaces, comeg in widths up to 84 inches, and does not scuff up, bunch or tear. Its strength is remarkable.
Another feature of Sisalkraft that builds gpod wilt for the dealer and contractor is the pennanency of its air- and watentightness. Thehigh grade asphdtum does not dry out, cracl< or melt under any weather condition. Its uses are lxr numerioull that the market is almost infinite. Thefirst sale brings repeat ordetrs.
Our sales promotion plan helps you to cash in on Sisalkraft. Send your list of contractors with your order !x) we can start it working for you. THE
205 W. Wacf,er Drtve (Ganal Statlon), Ghlcago 55 New Montgomer:r St., San Franclsco, Calll.
Srutlrrrn C-o,Id;fornia Distributor Hamnond Lumbcr Conpany Io Aa;clo, Cellf.
Beloto : Cross-section shetch shoaing the multi-ply constructiot of Sircfkraft. Made in rolls #, 8, ffi, 721 84 inches in utidth.