1 minute read

The hfuck

Vith clcctic ruddcnnel c.lnc the cnnounccment ol VcrvcrHcnry'r ncw ilinglc derign -- thc Thrtch-Lock. Wcrvcr-Henry dealcn ftnd thir fine ncw rhinglc e real factor in rtimuloting rummcr burincr. { Herc ir e rhingle to rhow your protpcct -- a rhinglc thrt will hclp rcll your compctitivc mr*ct. lt'r got evcrythingl A rclling ncmc, detign, contrining cn Old World touch, thot ir cctually cherming, colon in peilect blendr ol Fieldrtonc Grecn, Standed Red, Romrny Red blcndr (in thcc combinetionr) rnd Blue Blcck. And it'r a true Vcrvcr'Henry product, rturdy cnd cconomicrl tothe highert degrce. { Prorpecb rre buying thir rhingle on thi neritr ol ib price cnd rttrcctivencrs. Purh thc Thctch-Lock. Up goer you. prolit. Scnd lor detciled literaturc.

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