2 minute read
Schumacher Announces New "Green" Line of
Schumacher Wall Boarcl Corporation, believing that the public is color minded, announces a new and interesting product, a green covered wall board. This is their regular board, but instead of the regulation grey paper on both sides of the plaster board, one side is papered with an attractive tint of neutral green. The idea is that in rnany cases and for many uses a wall is covered with plaster board where an attractive colored covering obviates the necessity of any further coverage of paper, paint, or anything of that sort. This green board can be applied to the lvall and left just as it is, {urnishing a very attractive interior
Hoo Hoo Annual tVill Be Held At \(/est Baden
The fortieth annual meeting of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo will be held at the West Baden Springs Hotel, West Baden, Ind., September 23,24 and25. In announcing West Baden as the scene of the meeting, Snark of the Universe, Franklin A. Hofhiens says that it offers the members of the Order an opportunity to attend a convention of the International at unusually low cost. West Baden Hotel operates on the American plan, and its rate .covering meals and room also include various other features without charge. Golfing, swimming, tennis, bowling, billiards, et,c., will be free. The registration fee usually imposed at conventions of this kind will be eliminated.
J. M. Crawford, Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co., Walla Walla, Wash., spent a few days in Los Angeles the latter part of July where he called on some of his lumbermen friends. The Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. oDerate several vards in Washington with headquarters at Walla Walla.
Art Penberthy Returns From Northwest
Art Penberthy, Tacoma Lumber Sales Agency, Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' business trip to the Northwest where he visited his mill connections at Tacoma.
for the room. The reverse side of this board is the regula- tion grey, so that either side may be used. In addition they are manufacturing narrow plaster board batts of the same color to cover the joints and seams. This handsome board is being offered the trade and the public for the same price as the regulation grey covered board. It is simply an effort to give the public something new and attractive in the line of products and service at no extra charge.
This new product is now on the market and ready for delivery.
Russell Gheen Returns From Eastern Trip
Russell Gheen, C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a three weeks' trip in the east where he visited his mother who resides in Philadelphia. Mrs. Gheen accompanied him on the trip.
Redwood Man Takes Air Trip
Sherman A. Bishop, Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently traveled by Western Air Express plane to Los Angeles. He is another of the converts to this form of travel who think it is the only way to go when one is in a hurry.
J. H. Spears, rvho is ,connected rvith the sash and door department of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a few weeks' trip to Texas where he was visiting relatives.
Recent San Francisco Visitors
Lumbermen who recently made business trips to San Francisco included Jack Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co., Fresno; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, and Isador Cheim, Union Lumber Co., Marysville.
PRIDE OF HOME OWNERSHIP is one of the strongest of all civilizing influences and is one dominating factor for happiness, contentment, love and devotion, assuring perpetual protection.
The more distinctive and convenient you build your home the greater will be its attraction, and surely if this ideal plan will meet and care for your requirements you will be making no mistake in adopting it to build from.
Plans for this attractive home can be furnished by the Lurnbermen's Service Association
Fay Building, Los Angeles