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Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Mer-
Retail Lumberman Seeks Position
Manager, Assistant, or other duties-with future. Has managed good sized yards successfully. Expert accountant and office worker. Knows lumber and millwork business. Wihing to demonstrate ability before mentioning salary. High class references. Address Box C-490, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Salesman
Lumber salesman wants connection with reliable wholesale lumber firm. Southern California preferred. 10 years experience selling and knows the California retail trade. Will accept drawing account against commissions and will furnish car. Forrest W. Wilson, care The California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Wanted: Position by young woman with 15 years' lumber experience as secretary and office manager. Thoroughly capable of taking 'charge of bookkeeping, estimating and buying. Can furnish excellent references Address Box C-488. California Lumber Merchant.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Los Angeles had as their guest the last two weeks in July, Mr. Smith's father, L. S. Smith of Hearne, Texas.
Herb Berry With East Bay Concern
Herbert Berry, formerly of the Progressive Lumber Co., Livermore. is now with the Oakland Lumber Co., Oakland.
S. C. Hooper, S. C. Hooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from the Orient where he spent the past several months looking over conditions in Hawaii, Philippine Islands, China and Japan. He reports that he had a pleasant visit with Tom Dant in Manila, and Carl Seitz in Shanghai.
Stanley Gustafson Returns From Trip To Middle West
Stanley Gustafson, Sierra Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, has returned from a month's trip by automobile to the Middle West, where he visited the World's Fair at Chicago. He is a son of .Fred Gustafson, one of the owners of the company.
Retail Lumber Yard For Sale
Phoenix, Arizona, retail lumber yard for sale. Good location, excellent improvements, and equipment. Good, clean reduced stock. Address Reed Lumber Co., lMZ E. Yali IJuren St., Phoenix, Arizona.
Wants Partner For Retail Yard
Los Angeles retail lumber yard-established 10 yearswants partner who can invest some money in a going business. Good proposition for right man. Address Box C-487, California Lumber Merchant.
Bookkeeper And Stenographer Wants Position
Young lady with several years'experience as bookkeeper and stenographer desires position with lumber concern. Familiar with all general office work. Can furnish best of references. Address Box C-489, California Lumber Merchant, or telephone CApitol 4000.
For Sale
To settle partnership modern up-to-date yard for sale. l0 miles from Los Angeles, small investment, will make terms. C. I. Frye, 237 East Anaheim St., Long Beach.
J. G. Ferguson, president of the Clovis Lumber Co., Clovis, is on a vacation trip in the Northwest. Mr. Ferguson accompanied by his family drove to San Francisco, where he boarded the steamer West Cactus of the McCormick Steamship Company's South American service, taking his ,car along. He will spend some time visiting Port Ludlow and Port Gamble where he spent a number of years in the employ of Pope & Talbot, and'will make the return trip from Seattle on the McCormick steamer Emergency Aid.
R. F. "Dick" Hammatt, former secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, was a recent San Francisco visitor. Mr. Hammatt is now assistant regional forester in charge of public relations, with headquarters at Missoula, Montana. He is making a tour of the various regional forestry of6ces,'and is traveling by air, having flown from Portland to San Francisco. He left San Francisco by plane August 6 for Washington, making stops at regional offices on the way. While in San Francisco Mr. Hammatt found time to look up some of his many friends in the Redwood industrv.
Arch Towen On Sick List
Arch Towen, manager of the Grass Valley Lumber Co., Grass Valley, Calif., is on the sick list. Ray Miner, formerly manager of the Grenfell Lumber Co. at Grimes, is in charge during his absence
Interior Decorotive Ponels
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