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S Fir.r Ncdoaal 3oo Lbo Buildlag


DlSTilCr SALES OFFICEST NEW YORK CHICAGO l60tl Grcybcn Bldq. 1863 LcScllc-Wqclcr Bldq. Mohcwl {-9117- Telephone Centrdl 9182 SAN FRANCISCO l0$ Moncdael Bldq. EXbroot 70ll

LOS ANGEIJS SAIJS OFFICE 330 Pctrolcun Bldg. PRoapcct (FlS

1. General application must be made on Priorities Division Form PD-1, copies of which may be obtained through regional lumber manufacturers associations or through the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches. In filling in such forms, l.umbermen should be particularly careful to list as completely as possible all defense orders on which they are working, giving wherever possible Government contract numbers, priority ratings, and the ultimate destination or project for which the material is intended. Care should be exercised by mills to include full information on lumber intended for defense work, which passed through wholesale or industrial agencies. Mills able to show a large volume of defense work through direct enumeration of these projects, will find the task of securing a rating for needed equipment and supplies a much easier one.

2. Project ratings may sometimes be extended straight down the line to every item needed to produce materials covered by the rating. This means that a contractor who holds a project rating may permit suppliers of materials he needs, to use his project rating to secure materials they in turn need. Such extensions are possible only when they cover supplies or equipment needed to assist in completion of the specific project.

In other words, the special project rating for a shipyard, for example, might be used to acquire a tractor needed by a lumber manufacturer to get out timbers to build this specific shipyard.

Certain types of supplies, such as critical list steel alloys, have a special priorities procedure. Ordinarily, lumber manufacturers buy items containing these elements through supply houses. If a mill has diffrculties with suppliers of such items, Form PD-32 should be filled out.






The priorities staff of NLMA will keep in daily touch with regional associations on all priorities matters, furnishing as much information as possible on new rulings, regulations and progress, of interest to manufacturers.

Appointed Manager Of Monrovia Yard

L. A. Hockinson, who has been with the Sunkist Lumber Company for the past five years as assistant to S. J. Hathaway has been appointed manager, succeeding Mr. Hathaway who recently disposed of his interests to R. L. Townsend and associates of Montebello. Mr. Heckhrson was formerly associated with a lumber company in Pennsylvania.

R. R. Pool of Montebello has been appointed sales manager. I{e was formerly with E. K. Wood Lumber Company for several years.

Moulding Manufacturer Moves To Pasadena

California Moulding Company, M. R. Colliard, owner, manufacturers of pine mouldings, wholesale millwork and lumber, recently moved from Oakland to 3110 E. Foothill Boulevard, Pasadena. The name of the concern has been changed to California Lumber & Moulding Company. California Lumber & Moulding Sales Company, of San Francisco, sales agents for Pine mouldings, has also moved to the same address and the name has been changed to California Lumber & Moulding Company.

This compqct, conveniently arrqnged live room home cqn be built on cr 40-Ioot lot. A cqrelul study oI the interior will show iust how much recrl comlort and efficiency ccn be incorporcted in small homes.

This is one oI the mcny homes lectured in the 'Modern Low Cost Homes" book issued by the E. M. Dernier Service Burecu,3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles, Cqli Iornicr, whose plcrnning depcrrtment is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E. Chqdwick, Registered Structurcrl Engineer.

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