2 minute read
'DUROID' Electro Galvanized
overcome the curiosity that was strangling him, asked:
"Vaiter, vot iss dem tings?"
"Finger bowls," said the waiter. And as they looked still more confused, he added, "to wash your fingers in."
The second guest looked at his friend who had asked the question.
"It serves you chust right, Ikey," he said. "You esk him a fullish question, he gifs you a fullish enser."
Moves Office
John C. McCabe, wholesale lumber dealer, San Francisco, has moved his office to 913 Financial Center Building, 405 Montgomery Street. The telephone number is the same, GArfield 4992.
Retail Line Yards M.y Apply for Uniform Maximum Price
Under the provisions of Amendment 12 to the General Maximum Price Regulation, retail line yards which had a fixed practice during March, 1942, of. selling at uniform or substantially uniform prices at all their branches, or at a group of establishments located in a particular area, may use uniform maximum prices under the General Maximum Price Regulation in all such above mentioned branches.
fn order to do so, they may make written application to the Office of Price Administration, Retail Trade and Services Division, \Mashington, D. C., for authorization to use such uniform prices. The application should state (a) name and address of principal office; (b) number of separate retail establishments and address of each such establishment; (c) kind of merchandise carried; (d) whether commodities - are purchased centrally and distributed by the seller to such retail establishments or are purchased separately by each branch; (e) a description of the fixed practice of the seller, indicating the length of time during which such practice of selling at uniform or substantially uniform prices has been in effect, and whether uniform selling prices are determined in a central office; (f) names and addresses of the seller's most closely competitive sellers of the same class on a national or regional basis; and (g) any other facts which the seller wishes to submit in support of the application.
The amendment is now in effect.
"The Vital Softwood Lumber Industry"
The lumber industry is singled out by Price Administrator Leon Henderson as paramount to the war effort, in connection with the rationing of tires for delivery trucks. Recognition of the industry's importance came in the announcement that drastic new cuts in the list of trucks eligible'for tires are being studied as a measure to keep the most vital vehicles rolling.
In reviewing the problem of keeping essential trucks on the job-trucks that haul building materials for the new Army camps-particular mention was made by the Price Administrator of the importance of "the vital softwood lumber industry", which has been called upon by the government to double its production to meet the needs of the war machine. He reports that cases are being reported to his office of the laying down of large fleets of trucks because of lack of tires, and that this is delaying the construction schedule.
The Price Administrator concludes his reference to the importance of the industry as follows: "The functions of trucks of this kind are vital to our war effort. Any substantial tie-up of the services they perform could defeat us more quickly than an invading army. The less essential trucks must stand aside so that we can go full speed ahead with the job of winning the war."
Fire Destroys Lumber Stocks
A fire at the Cal-West Lumber Company yard, El Monte, on August 4 destroyed lumber stocks, the loss being estimater at $25,000.