2 minute read



Edward Hines Lumber Company, Chicago, Ill., has just pubished a SO-page book commemorating a pioneer in the Nation's oldest industry, the company which bears his name, and their first half-century of accomplishment. It tells interestingly the life story of Edward Hines, the founder of the company.

The book is printed on large pages, lltl by l3l inches. It is beautifully illustrated with many attractive photographs in color of early American homes, showing the use of wood construction, and of the various lumber operations at their Ponderosa Pine mill at Hines, Oregon.

The book will be a valuable addition to the retail lumberman's library.

George B. Maxwell

George B. Maxwell, manager of the Youngs Bay Lumber Co., Warrenton, Oregon, passed away at Astoria, Oregon; on July 5. He was 65 years of age. He built his first sawmill at Clatskanie, Oregon, later he manufactured lumber at Seattle and Hoquiam, 'Wash., and during the first World War built and operated the Oregon Ship Timber Mills at Linnton, Oregon.

He was connected with business in Los Angeles to Oregon to manage the Reedsport.

He is survived by his the wholesale and retail lumber for several years, then returned Winchester Bay Lumber Co. at widow.

Chambers Sawmill Burned

The sawmill of J. H. Chambers & Son at Cottage Grove, Ore., was burned down August 5 with an estimated loss of $250,000. This was the third major fire in that area in the last few weeks.

Building New Office

San Diego Planing Mill, San Diego, are building a new office. The new State highway between San Diego and National City will go through the site of their old office building. Frank O. Benz is manager.

Break Into Lumber Office

Baskett Lumber Company's office at Whittier was broken into and set on fire during the night of August 5. Temporarily the office has been moved to the shed.

H. Kunl

Sell Iumber thcrt yiel& a prolit ond lasling Bdtislddion. CZC, the protectad lumber, ia clecsr, odorless qnd pdintdble. It i8 temite md decqv resistdrt od lire retcrdinE. You can sell tt lor F.H.A., U. S. Govemmeni, Loa Angelas City <rnd County od Unilorn Buildinq Coda lobs. CZC tredted lumber is stocked Ior immedicrt6 shipmclit in connorcidl sizes dt Long Becch <rrd Almeda, AgL cbout our axchcnrge seryice ord nill shipment plca.

Glllmb sdr lgnh - wEsT-GotsT w000 PRESERYIilG G0. - ssdlh

601 W. Filrb St., Lot Aagolrr, Cclil', Pbonr Mlchigg! 5291 &B Moatgonery gL, Sdn FicncLco, Cql., Phonr DOuglcr 38&!

Rail Shippers


Northcn Ccliloraltr Bepreseatctlve o. L. nussltM ll2 Marlct St., Sarr Frslci:co, Tclephoac t-Ulol 1160 Soutben C jlilt-i.preaeltstiye


Robert S. Oegood nX South Sprlag StrccL Lol Angclcr, Tclcphone VArdtLr SGtit ArLoofil-pr.".ototi""


P. O. Box 1865, Ebocnix, Tclcphoro 3ll2t

O. V. Wilson, president of the Central Lumber Company, Stockton, has announced that his firm has contracted for the production of. 200 prefabricated houses, totaling $728,000, for the Benicia Defense Housing Project. Contractors for the project, which is under the Federal Public Housing Authority, is a newly formed partnership to be known as Claude T. Lindsay and Martel Wilson. Mr. Lindsay is head of a large San Francisco Bay District contracting firm, and Mr. Wilson is vice-president of the Central Lumber Company. Negotiations are under way by the company for the prefabrication of a similar project in Napa, and a third project in the Richmond area.

The demountable dwellings will be manufactured in the company's Stockton plant and u'ill be turned out at the rate

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