1 minute read
Concrete Piling Not a Success
The lumber producers who perve California are laughing in their sleeves-and frequently forget to use tnis muflin! process at the reported general failure of concrete for piling and dock uses on the California coast.
In San Francisco they remember the campaigns of villification of wood for dock purposes whieh have been conclucted. at times in the press of that city, when nothing too bad against wooden docks could be thought of for publication.
Now the lumbermen point to the condition of the concrete piling at various places along the eoast as a justification of their claim that thoroughly treated wooden piling is the only satisfactory and practical material.
At the Government pier at LaJolla, concrete piling was use-d for experimental purposes. you should see it now. rt is reported in the worst possible state of disintegr"ti";.
Also at the San Pedro docks of I_.ros Angeles, the concrete piling that has been used is an excellent illustration of the kind of piling that should NOT be used..._ To say the leabt, it is NOT a success.
The nearest thing to a successfur material for withstanding the ravages of the ocean and its living things, is thor_ oughly concreted WOOD.
He kept his lqmper y-ard looking I*q " iunk_dealeg's yard, while he sang that sweet refrain: "Let the rest of the world go by.;'