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Lumber Production Registers Gain

-.'Washington, August 26.-Following some weeks of a declining tendency, the lumber movement rebounded for the I."1. ending $ugust 12, according to a summary of the National Iiumber Manufacturers, Association.

- Recov-ering from the limitations on production imposed by the forest fires of the past two months the West boast mills expanded production about 13,000,000 feet over the preceding week. At the same time the deficinecies of railway transportation due to the strike brought shipments down by .?bout 16,000,000 feet and were accompanied by a . small decline in orders.

I O". t_he o-the1 hand Southern Pine, while showing a substantial gain in production, enjoyed an increase of about L4,000,000 feet in orders accompanied by some increase in shipments. Virtually every other section reported. an increase in production and. orders and a deciease in ship-

Southern Pine Association

Total 'Week (130 mills).---.-..-.-...-.--.-..

'West Coast l:umbermen's Association

Total .-....... 'Week (L23 mills).

'Western Pine Manufacturers' Association



Week (40 mills)--.

California 'White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers

Total .-..-.....----..

California Redwood Association


Week (14 mills)-..

North Caroline Pine Association

Total .--------

Week (42 mills).-

Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Manufacturers

Total .__._.-.. 'Week (15 mills)...

Northern Pine Manufacturers' Association

Total -.-------

Week (10 mills)..-

General total for 32 weeks..--

General total for week

Same 32 weeks, Same week. 1921 t92].

WEST COAST PR,ESIDENT VISITS SAN FR,ANCISCO ments. The net result was an inerease for all the lumber association"q rgporting, of 18,608,684 feet in production, a decrease of 11,691,542 feet in shipments and an increase'of 19,133,993 feet in orders. Demand. and supply are in a prosperous balance, but transportation is weak.

A. C. Dixo_n, general manager of the Booth-Kelly l_.iumber cgmpany at Eugene, Oregon, has been visiting in San Fran_ cisco for a few days. Mr. Dixon is president of the 'West Coast Lumbermen's association. IIe conferred with R. E. Danaher, president of the Michigan-California Lumber cordpany, who also is president of the Booth-Kelly I_rum_ ber company.

_ Lloyd J. 'Wentworth, general manager of the portland Lumber company at Portland was in Sin Francisco the latter part of the month. He spent a great part of the time in company with A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber compan-y, who handles the Portland Lumber company's output in California.

_ As- compared with the corresponding week last year prod.uction i^ncreased 79,-395,500 feet ; shipments, 88,84i,050, -and orders 68,541,811. On the basis of the normal produbtion !gllq._ established by the five larger association^s, it being 221,787,404 feet for the week, the actual cut was 9? per cent-, shipments 81 per cent and orders g6 per cent. Reiative to current prod.uction of the eight associations making weekly reports,- ship_ments were 84 per cent and orders g? per ceni. For the 32 weeks of the year end.ing with Augusl 12 and for the week ending the same day the lumber m6vement by associations making weekly reports was as follows:

Arthur Kerfoot, proprietor of the Lemon Grove Lumber Company, has opened a new yard at Encanto.

E. T. Braclford is the new manager of the Ir. W. yard at Sierra Madre. Blinn


My experience, 20 years' millwork game in all its branches, Middle 'West and Pacific Coast. Ilave specialized in Selling and " CONTRACT " work. Plan man. Thirty-nine years old ; m'arried. "SL/EEP ONI-rY AT NIGET.,, I,m ready. Can you use me? Address R. Y. 8., CAIJIF. IJBR. MERCHANT.

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