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sented in Southern California for trade extension activities, Mr. Smith said:
"southern California olTers to you, the greatest oppartunity for a profitable application of your Trade Extension activities of any market in'America today. It is of particular and peculiar interest, of course, to the manufacturers of the West Coast and the possibility for doing constructive merchandising there should naturally present the greatest appeal to them, but it is my thought that it presents an unmatched opportunity to the Trade Extension Department of the National, not only for holding on to a market that is now a good user of wood, but for creating new business, and developing Southern California into a pace-setter for the rest of the country.
"In the first place it is the greatest concentrated lumber market in the world in point of volume, as well as the greatest per capita lumber consumer in the United States. In the second place, the selling practices of Southern California have probably been as backward as you could find. In the third place the dealers are now thoroughly awake, for the most part, to the necessity of better merchandising in order to keep the industry on a profitable basis and are in a most receptive frame of rrlind for sound trade promotional effo1ts. In the fourth place it probably represents the most likely area of continuous building activity over the years to come of any spot in America."
I\Ir. Smith suggested that the Association use the Southern California field as a laboratory for the development of a plan which in addition to doing a service to the lumber dealers of Southern California could also be taken with profit to other markets in the country, also that the results of a nation lvide research and study be brought to the large cities suffering from the compiexities of to-day's competitive conditions. Mr. Smith also suggested to the Association to set out to educate the retail salesman of 'all the great urban centers of the country in the scientific selling of lumber, stating that inefficient and unskilled selling is one of the greatest contributing causes of excessive distribution costs of the industry. N{r. Smith's address is to be printed and mailed to all members of the trade extension committee.
A business session of tl-re West Coast Lumbermen's Association was held at Longview on Wednesday, August 7. On Wednesday evening, the directors and ofifrcial staff of the National Association and visiting memb.ers of the Northwestern Lumbermen's Association were the guests at a dinner given by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. J. D. Tennant, Long-Bell Lumber Co., acted as toastmaster
Many of the visiting lumbermen attended the annual Longview Rolleo, a carnival of logging sports, on August 8 and 9.
Partial List of Redwood Bridge Jobs
Among the Redwood bridge jobs for State and County highways in California now being constructed are the following: Grade crossing over N. W. Pacific tracks at Alto, Marin County; a similar structure across Santa Fe tracks at Barstow. and another. similar structure across N. W. Pacific tracks at Arcata, Humboldt County; three bridges on the highway betrveen Cloverdale and Albion, Mendocino County; bridge across Consumnes River between Sacramento and Stockton; bridge across Mad River in Humboldt County; six bridges and one cattle pass near Doyle, in Lassen County, and three bridges in Contra Costa County.
Redwood piling is being used on many of the.se jobs, and all Redwood lumber and piling is being inspected by the California Redwood Association before shipment.