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Abbeys Regtster and

Tear Book

Tlestern Lurnber Induetrlr tgzlt Edttton Now Ready

A ninute and accurate gui<le to all bruch* of thc Lumba lndurtry ot Washlngto, Orego, Califmia, Idaho, Metua, Colcado, Nenda, Arlzoa, N* Mexlco, South Dakota, Utah, Wyming, Alarka, Britirh Columbla, the PhiUppirea ud Hawail.

In petsouel infmtim given ircludes Presldent, Muiga, Superin- tendent, Saler Muager, Purcha,Cng Agent and Master' Mechuic. A Co- plete llst o{ mubinry and equipmenl daily opaclty, speies of wood awed, etc., enabls the Seller to the Indutry to Gelct Sahc Prcpecte and Lumber Buyas to plre rders md lnquirlea lntelligmtly.

_-.-_O"9! 10,000 lictings ln the bok wblch lnclude: Saw, Phnhg and Shiryb Mills, Woodworkera, Logging Operatims; Box, Veuer, Pulp,-Paper, Dc, S_uh, Cro* Amq Hmdles and Fumiture Mmufcturers, MacUire-Shopc, Hotels, BerdinS lucq Gemal Storec, ud Conmis.ies operated Ly 1q'q" "td _caqps; Cunty Cmmisiqers ln Califmia, Oregon, Washingto, Idaho, and a list of Eastem Lunbc Buyere.

Order this valuable refererce bogk today. f$o of ie 6m in the pre- viouE editi@ eliminated ud 3S4o new fims added.

5l$-51{x7l!, Pagee Price 97.50

Publirhed by The Industrlal Servlce

Sherlock Bldg., Portland, Ore.

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