1 minute read
Letes Set baek to the AB Oes of B,eenforoed Building Paper
Theretr a demand for reentor ced building pa. per. Meet it with thc sheet that gives over
Sisalkraft hac 2808 lineal feet of riral 6bre reenforcing in every rquare yard. Bxperience har proved that thic provider anple rtrength and toughnes for every setvice requirement.
You can rcarcely drive a nail in Sirallraft without rtriling a rirel 6bre. The rtrength is uniformly dirtributed and resis$ a rtrain, wherevec applied. Sical is non.elagtic-the only guitable material to reenforce paper (which also ir non.elert i c) without permitting t h e paper to tear before the 6brer rerirt.
reenforcement in eveEY
Thadg a good lGrron for any dealer to rtan. datdize on Siralkraft and conrcicntioudy rccommend it fo'r clrcry buitding papcr ioblarge or small. Siralkraft is rold only through esablishcd rcteil dcalcra. Ack for our dealer ptop. orition