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Rate---$2.50 Pcr Column Inch. FOR LEASE
Retail lumber yard or factory site, corner Ravenswood Ave. and State Highway, Menlo Park, California, has spur track and heavy construction two story warehouse. Address R. W. Follmer, General Contractor, 465 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. Phone 7325.
Experienced Lumberman
Lumberman and shingle expert with years of experience, familiar with all details of the mill, wholesale and retail business, qualified to filI any position in sales department or in office, wants position. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-445, The California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman with several years'experience in all branches of the retail lumber business desires position. Can furnish good references and will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-447. California Lumber Merchant.
Asheville, N. C., August 1.-Upon invitation of both parties to the litigation, Wilson Compton, secretary and manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, was an observer at the hearing today in the trial of the Federal government's case against Appalachian Coals, Inc. On the theory that that central selling agency recently arranged by certain coal companies will constitute a monopoly in restraint of trade and violate the Sherman Act, the government has brought action before the fourth circuit court of appeals sitting here for a permanent injunction.
The suit is, in a sense, a friendly one to determine the right of producers to ,combine to prevent overproduction and sales below the cost of production.
The outcome will test the validity of the general scheme of the National Coal Association to stabilize the bituminous coal mining industry. For this purpose the fields east of the Mississippi were grouped into eighteen districts, eight of which were subsequently united to form the Appalachian territory, "with the intent and result that not more than eleven common selling agents should control more than 70 per cent of the bituminous coal produced east of the Mississippi river."
As the lumber industry has given much study to the subject of common selling agencies as a means of avoiding wasteful and destructive competition it is vitally interested in the Appalachian case.
Lady Stdnographer Wants Position
Young lady with several years' experience in the lumber business, wants position with Los Angeles lumber firm. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-444, care California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wants Position
Wholesale selling connection wanted by salesman, age 30, with ten years' selling experience all Western lumber products. Familiar with both Northern and Southern California retail trade, and will accept position in either territory. Highest references. Address Box C-446, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position As Yard Manacer
Experienced lumberman would like position managing country yard in Southern California. Familiar with all details of the retail business. Can furnish references. Would appreciate an interview. Address Box C-448, carc California Lumber Merchant.
Frank O'Connor, San Francisco, manager of the California Wholesale Lumbermen's Association, attended the directors' meeting of the California Retail Lumber Association at Santa Barbara, Calif., on Saturday, August 27. M. S. Lopes, manager of the Association's Los Angeles office, also attended the meeting and conferred with Mr. O'Connor on Association affairs.
Trees Yield Inflammable Gas
Gas which came out of the interior of a tree with a "bang" and burned for a minute or more with a pale blue flame when ignited with a match was found recently by a party of foresters when boring several species of hardwoods in Hempstead County, Arkansas, according'to a report from the Southern Forest Experiment Station of the U. S. Forest Service. Timber growth studies in that region showed that out of a total of 100 hardwoods drilled with an increment borer for the purpose of measuring the annual tree-ring growth, at least 22 .contained gas. The species of trees were willow oak, black and white oak, southern red gum and shagbark hickory. The nature of the gas and the cause of its formation are unsettled questions. Several borings into the gas trees failed to prove that decay in the stem of the tree was responsible for the gas which was usually found in small pockets in the sound wood of the trunk.