4 minute read
Much Interest Shown in Official While on Hunting Trip Spring Board, Says Hugh Handley
Henry Fiske Faull, sales manager of the Hammond Lumber Company, San Franeisco, died suddenly from a heart attack while on a hunting trip in the mountains east of Merced in Inyo County, Tuesday, August 23. Mr. Faull and his party, which included Ralph P. Duncan, general manager of the Merced Lumber Co., Merced, left on Friday, August 19, for Crystal Crag, with the intention of packing into the high Sierra from that point. It was necessary to bring the body out on a pack horse for 2O miles to the automobile road-
Mr. Faull was one of the best known lumbermen on the Pacific Coast, and he had a host of friends all over the country. He had always enjoyed the best of health and his passing was a great shock to all who knew him.
He was born in San Francisco August 10, 1879, and was in the service of the }lammond Lumber Company for 30 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maude S. Faull; one daughter, Mrs. Helen Faull Lueschner, of New York; trvo sisters, Mrs. Joseph Gerould and Mrs. Willard O. Wayman, and a brother, John A. Faull. The funeral service, held on Friday morning, August 26, was attended by a large and most representative gathering of lumbermen.
Max Cook Visits Los Angeles
Max Cook, Oakland, Calif., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several days on business.
Hugh W. Handley, sales manager of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned August 14 from Los Angeles where he attended the Olympic Games. Mr. Handley was particularly interested in the diving and swimming events, and reports that much interest was manifested by swimming coaches from all over the world, as lvell as by the competitors in the Brandsten International and Intercollegiate Official Spring Board used in the diving events. This board with its new fulcrum equipment is manufactured and sold exclusively by Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. The new adjustable fulcrum, invented by Ernie Brandsten, head coach of the American Olympic diving team, adjusts the amount of spring a diver desires in a board, and the diver adjusts it by turning a wheel with his foot.
The Gieb Lumber Co. has moved its San Gabriel yard to its nerv location at 6ffi444 South San Gabriel boulevard on property owncd by the firm; the lease on the old site expiring this month. Claude Wilson is manager of the San Gabriel yard. The Gieb Lumber Co. head offices are at Huntington Park, Calif.
To Carry On Yield Tax Study
(Continued from Page 18)
State action through a conference of the Governors of the principal timber States.
Actio,n Recommended:
(a) Consideration by principal timber States to the need for modification of timber taxation.
(b) Prompt and wide-spread release of the Forest Service Inquiry;
(c) Consideration of a Conference of Governors. By Whom:
(a) Timber States;
(b) Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture;
(c) The President of the United States."
Wholesalers and Jobbers f)ennison Street Wharf - Oakland' Calif. and
Northern Celifornia Agenr for Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir Lumber
Our Motto: "Promise Less-Do More"
Morning Prayer
Let me today do something that will take A little sadness from the world's vast store, And may f be so favored as to make Of joy's too scanty sum, a little more.
Let me not hurt by any selfish deed Or thoughtless word, the heart of foe or friend; Nor would f pass, unseeing, worthy need, Nor sin by silence when I should defend.
However meagre be my worldly wealth, Let me give something that shall aid my kindA word of courage or a thought of health, Dropped as f pass for troubled hearts to find.
Let me tonlght look back across the span Twixt dawn and dark and to my conscience say"Because of some good act to beast or man The world is better that I lived today.,'
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
A Fine Addition
A safety first lecturer was addressing a bright-eyed group of school children on the subject of safety, and hurt and accident prevention, and he dilated particularly on the ABC of safety, namely, "Always Be Careful."
And onp little girl raised her hand and said:
"But why stop with A.B.C. meaning 'Always Be Careful?' Why not go right on with DEF, meaning, ,Don't Ever Forget?"'
If I wished to punish my enemy, hate somebody.-Hannah Moore. I would make him
No Longer
Hambone-"Does you still get up wid a grouch eve'y mawnin'?"
Sambon+"Nuh uh. Ah done divo'ced huh."
Out of suffering comes the serious mind. Out of the Salvation, the grateful heart. Out of endurancg fortitude.
Out of deliverance, faith.
A True Scotch Story
A Scotchman lay dying in a London hospital, far from hi6 home, and the doctor told the nurse to humor him in any way, and let him have anything he wanted. So she asked him what would cheer him most, and he said:
"I wad like to hear the bagpipes afore I dee."
So they brought a hieland piper to his bedside, who played to him as long and as loud as he desired. The Scotchman got well, but all the other patients died.
"I noticed that when I was eating dinner at your house the other night, your dog sat right there and watched me all through the meal. Why was that?"
"That was his plate you were eating out of."
Your Friend
Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love, and reap with Thanksgiving. He is your board aqd your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.-Kahlil Gibran.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given him to till.-Emerson.