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Ed. Seward Makes Fourth Believe Hardwood Prices Have
Hole-in-oh€ Hit Bottom
"13" doesn't mean anything to Ecl. Sewarcl of the Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Company of I-os Angeles. On Saturday afternoon, August 13, he made a hole-in-one on the 13th, 110 yard, hole at the Wilshire Country Club, I os Angeles. He is gaining national prominence as a hole-in-one golfer, this being the fourth time he has made an ace shot. On January 2 of this year, he shot a hole-in-one on the 8th, 148 yard, hole on the Hollyrvood Country Club course, and prior to that date performed the same feat twice on the 16th, 140 yard, hole of this same course. Ed.'s friends are now checking up the record books to determine if he does not now hold the distinction of being the ,champion hole-inone golfer in Southern California.
Anaheim Yard Has New Firm Name
Henry M. Adams has purchased the interests of the Bowers estate in the Adams-Bowers Lumber Co. at Anaheim, Calif., and will operate the yard as the Henry Adams Lumber Co. Mr. Adams has been connected with the retail lumber business in Orange county for many years and is widely known to the California lumber trade. The yard was established by the Griffith Lumber Company, and in 1921 was purchased by Mr. Adams, who was manager of the yard, together with the late A. C. Bowers, and his son, the late Elmer Bowers, and was operated as the AdamsBowers Lumber Companv.
In their advertisement in August 1 issue Strable Hardrvood Co., Oakland. stated that all evidence indicated that the bottom had been reached and passed in hardwood prices, and expressed the belief that dealers could now buy without future inventory loss.
These statements received further confirmation in a letter sent to the trade under date of August 16 by White Brothers, San Francisco. The letter, signed by C. H. White, vice-president and general manager, is headed "Now Let's 'Talk Turkey"', and states that hardwood prices are down to the levels of 1904; that Douglas Fir plywood and wallboard are at their lowest prices in history; that hardwood flooring prices are also at the lowest for 28 years, and advises the trade to buy now if they expect to need any of these items in the near future, as it is the firm's sincere belief that prices on the items mentioned have hit bottom and must go up.
Wholesale Association Gets New Members
Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., 606 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles, and St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, (A. C. Penberthy, Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles, Southern California representative) have recently become members of the California Wholesale Lumber Association.