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v"KING of all roofing"
Felt Base and Saturant PERFECTLY BALANCED!
OR thirty-odd years El Rey Roofing felt-the base for all El Rey Asphalt Roofing-has enioy"d an outstanding reputation for honest content and expeil manufacture. It is strong and heavy. AND IT POSSESSES AN OPEN TEXTURE THAT READILY ABSORBS ASPHALT IN SUF. FICIENT QUANTITY TO MAKE AN IDEAL BALANCE BET\TEEN THE FELT BASE AND THE SATURANT!
The asphalt compound used as the saturant must be in strict accordance with the formula of the El Rey Products Co. ft must pass precise melting point and penetration tests. High grade base and high grade saturant combined in perfect balance! That is the key to El Rey quality! You get it in El Rey Roll Roofing, El Rey Slate Surface Roofing, El Rey Shingles-every type of El Rey Asphalt Roofing!