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Samples of Opinions About tullud Fun"

"'CULLUD FUN' is certainly entertaining. It is just the book I have been looking for."

C. P. Dodge, The Texas Company, Los Angeles, Calif.

"Your excellent collection of Negro stories has already been put to good use in Jefferson City. A group of young fellows of the Methodist are getting jokes from it for a minstrel show. It is certainly well worth the price." Clifi Scruggs, Jefrerso4 City, Mo.

"It is a real classic."

":" -"{nard, Alton, Ill.

"Please will you autograph my copy? You are the only 'author' I've ever known personally and I want to prove it." M. L. Schmidt, Architects Building Material Exhibit, Los Angeles, Calif.

"Please send me'CULLUD FUN.' Your Vagabond Editorials are the first we read and your Colored stories are the next. F. H. Millard, J. & W. C. Shull, Inc., Bell, Calif.

"Twenty-six years from now business should be a duce of a lot better so we can stop reading your jokes and go back to work again.

"All joking aside though, if the book is as good as your 'Lumber Merchant' we will get more than our money's worth." Chas. L. Marsh, Hammond Lumber Company, Madera, Calif.

"Enclosed please find check for $2.00 for which please send me copy of 'Cullud Fun' by return mail and oblige." Carl F. Oliver, care Robinson Mfg. Co., Everett, Wash.

"It must be a darb because someone in the office grabs it as soon as the other fellow lays it down." Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, Calif.

''CULLUD FUN' has immediately taken a conspicuous place among my literary treasures." C. H. Griffen, San Francisco, Calif.

,F ,F

"'CULLUD FUN' arrived and we are crazy about it. Please send one to my doctor here." M. Cowan, Battle Creek,Mich.

"Kindly send me your book, 'CULLUD FUN,' as per the article in Crow's Pacific Coast Lumber Digest." James Crowell, 115 North Arlington Avenue, East Orange, N. J. ,t :N< ,t

"fnclosed check for $2.00, please send me copy of your book on colored stories." Geo. L. Gardner. American Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon. * * *

"The Negro says, 'This is White folks Depression.' Am going 'cullud.' Send ME one." Otto Ladd, Antelope Valley Lumber Co., Lancaster, Calif.

"I have for years read with pleasure and profit your publications and always enjoy your 'yains.' Encloged $2.00 for my copy of 'Cullud Fun."' C. S. Cowan, Mclntosh, Cowan & Co., Wash.

"Send 'Cullud Fun' to the undersigned. Am sure we need to laugh more than we need most anything else at this time. I hope you have to print a second edition." fsaac J. Crumb, 1376 l0th Street, San Pedro, Calif.

Association conducted for months a broad campaign to secure a suitable slogan that the industry might use, and as a reward for this worthy effort developed-absolutely nothing. If it had been "shoes or ships or ceiling waxl' or anything else on top of the earth that you can mention, thousands of catchy thoughts and phrases would have been offered.


A great manufacturer of cosmetics announces that it has reduced the mid-year dividend on. its common stock in order to maintain its advertising campaign. There is an interesting thought, and will give their stockholders something to ponder over. Whether it is best to pay the full dividend and cut down the advertising, or to keep their sales effort up to full strength at the cost of part of the dividend, in the hope that by holding their sales position with the consumer they will profit the more largely when things turn back up the hill?

Not less than twenty ;J"J people committed suicide in the United States last year. A well known authority advises us of this fact, but states that continental Europe still surpasses us in that line. But Europe doesn't hold all the records. Take murder, for instance. We've,got Europe,

Asia, South America, Australia, Darkest Africa, and all other known continents lashed to the mast when it comes to homicide. Boy, how we do kill one another in these United States. You know why, don't you? It's because you can kill here and get away with it. *** rF**

Study the murder records and the various methods of handling homicides and homicide cases the world over, and you will easily discover that the homicide rate is high where punishment is doubtful, and light where punishment is swift and certain. Killings are scaroe in those portions of, the world where killers are locked up, promptly brought to justice; where the killer and not the deceased is tried i4 court; and where that horrible travesty on justice-"f thought my life was in danger"-+i-"1 5aq7 him reach for his hip pocket"-has no weight in excusing the destruction of a human life. In such parts of the world Justice rules homicide trials, and when the trial is over-Justice smiles.

Whenever I think of that grand young man, Col. Charles Lindbergh, there comes to rny mind the words of that thoughtful poet, Burns: "The best laid plans o' mice and men, gang aft agley." Certain it is that gentle, timid

(Continued on Page 10)

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