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to be Located at Los Angeles Monoplane Surfboards
The Federal Home Loan Bank Board has announced that the llome Loan Bank for the Twelfth District comprising California, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii rvill be located at Los Angeles. The capital of the Los Angeles branch will be $10,000,000. The estimated total of home mortgages in the district is $650,000,000. Chairman Franklin W. Fort of the Home Loan Bank Board has set October l5 for starting operation of the system.
Other Home Loan Banks will be located at Cambridge, Mass., Newark, N. J., Pittsburgh, Pa., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Cincinnati, Ohio, Indianapolis, Ind., Evanston, Ill., Des Moines, Iowa, Little Rock, Ark., Topeka, Kansas, and Portland, Oregon.
Lumber Offices Burglarized
Daylight robberies have recently been committed at the Bauer Lumber Company, Compton, and the Osbeck Lumber Company, at Encinitas. These burglaries have both been made under the same. circumstances when the manager stepped out into the yard with a prospective customer leaving the office unoccupied. It is believed that an organized gang is working this racket, timing their visits when only one person is at the yard and should he leave the office, they immediatety enter ancl rob the cash register.
The Hammond Lumber Company is manufacturing at their Los Angeles plant a Monoplane Surfboard that is very popular with bathers at the various beaches. The sufboards are 16 inches wide and 5 feet long, and made of 1x6 inch clear redwood boards glued with a waterproof glue that stands all the elements. The boards are furnished both in attractive red and yellow colors. The follorving instructions on how to use the surfboards accompany each board:
"Ride the rvaves ! Grasp the surfboard about l8 inches from the rear end; keep your body weight on the rear third or half of the board-never further forward. Your head rvill then be at about the middle point of the board, or slightly ahead of it. Keep nose of board up; you can do this by pressing the rear down with your hands. Don't get any rveight, or put any pressure, on the front half of the board. You can thus avoid nose dives, and prevent the front end sticking in the sand in shallow water with consequent ramming of board against 4bdomen or legs. Wait for the wave, holding the board at an angle with the rear end alongside of you (not pressed against your body in front). Shove off with a spring just before the crest of the rvave reaches you, then slide the board under you, and vou can ride dozens of yards in to shore."
State Directors Meet At Santa Barbara
The state directors of the California Retail Lumber Association held a business session at Santa Barbara. Calif.. on Sattrrday, August 27.