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He Wanted Security Too
The best recent story going the rounds in financial circles is that of the Arizona Indian who went into a bank near the rescrvation and asked for a loan of two hundred dollars.
"What have you got for security, Chief?" asked the banker.
"Me got two hundred ponies," replis6 the Indian, whereat the proper papers were made out giving the ponies as security for the loan, and the Indian took his two hundred dollars and left.
J. H. Bloedel, president of the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, Seattle,'Wash., was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles office where he conferred with J. H. Prentice, the company's Southern California representative. Mr. Bloedel also spent a ferv days in San Francisco on business.
W. B. Wickersham, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back at his desk follorving a rveek's vacation spent in the High Sierra. Mrs. Wickersham, and their son, Bailey, accompanied him on the trip.
Return From Honeymoon Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Koll of Los Angeles, have returned from a five rveeks' honeymoon trip spent in the Northwest where they visited the many points of interest in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Mr. Koll married Miss Leila Blackwell of Los Angeles on June 27. He is connected rvith the A. J. Koll Planing Mill Co. of Los Angeles.
Sixty days later the note was due, and the Indian walked in, hauled out a roll of bills containing several trhousand dollars, peeled off a couple of centuries, and paid the note, then stuck the roll back in his pocket and started out of the bank.
"ltrfait a minute, Chief," said the banker, "how about letting us kcep that roll for you?"
The Indian stopped, thought seriously for a moment, and then asked:
"You got any ponies?"
Harry E. West of Los Angeles, who recently underwent an operation at the Angelus hospital, is convalescing nicely and expects to be back again on his territory soon. Mr. West is a representative for the Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co., of Los Angeles.
San Francisco Visitors
Lumbermen n'ho recently visited San Francisco included the follorving: R. O. Deacon, Deacon Lumber Co., Lemoore; Carl Hagge, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento; John Ross, Ross Lumber Co., Modesto, and Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton.
W. G. Kahman, district sales manager, Shevlin Pine Sales Company, San Francisco, visited the company's Los Angeles office during the month of August. Accompanied by L. S. Turnbull, the company's Southern California and Arizona representative, they spent several days calling on the trade.
Redwood Barlc Sales Grow
A 50,000 case apple storage plant recently completed in Watsonville was insulated with Palco Redrvood Bark Fibre, and a 25,000 case plant norv under construction there rvill also be insulated rvith this material, according to a statement by Edric E. Brown, in charge of the by-products division of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco.
Mr. Brown says the owner of a Marysville apartment house, the roof of which was insulated'a felv months ago rvith Redwood Bark, declared after the recent hot spell, rvhich he considered a real test, that he rvouldn't sell the material used in this insulation job for three times rvhat it cost him if he was unable to replace it.
The company wishes to drarv the attention of all lumber dealers to the fact that they have a fine chance to make profits on sales of this material, which has a place in refrigeration of all kinds, and in most kinds of construction- They rvill gladly give dealers all possible assistance in making sales.
C. B. Lyons \(/ins Low Gtoss Pfize
Chds. B. Lyons, Hammond Lumber Companl', Los Angeles, was the lolv gross rvinner at the Orange County Lumbermen's golf tournament held at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, on 'Wednesday afternoon, August 17. D. E. Liggett, Santa Ana retail dealer, rvon the lorv net prize. R. E. Hostetler, Costa Mesa Lumber Co., Costa Mesa, and Art Kelly, Brorvn & Dauser Co., Fullerton, tied for blind bogey honors.
The following took part in the tournament: Bob Leishman, W. Wright, S. R. Larabee, A. C. Baker, D. E. Liggett, W. A. Godshall, C. B. Lyons, A. J. Kelly, G. G. YounC, W. Muchenthaler, W. B. Koehler, R. M. Mack, R. E. Hostetler, C. C. Barr, R. E. Servard, E. Steffensen, and Ed. Martin. The prize winners were awarded golf balls donated b1' the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation.
Back From Northwest Trip
Ed Peggs, sales manager of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, returned recently from a week's trip to Portland and Marshfield.
Effective August 15, the Sones Lumber Co. took over the Valley Lumber Company yard at El Centro, Calif. The Sones Lumber Company, rvhose headquarters are at El Centro, will be moved to the present quarters of the Valley Lumber Company rvith Charles E. Sones in charge of the business. The Valley Lumber Company was established in 1903, and J. S. Jones, who rvas manager and part owner of the business, will devote much of his time to the interests of the Imperial Valley Building Association of which he rvas the organizer and is at present secretary of the organization.