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Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers'Association Meets in San Francisco
Henry W. Swafford, E.J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, was re-elected president of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association at their annual convention held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August ll and 12.
C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, was reelected vice-president and Chas. M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was re-elected secrbtary-treasurer.
The directors were also re-elected. They are as follows: J. Fyfe Smith, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C'; E. E. Hall, Emerson Hardwood Co., Portland, Ore.; Geo. H. Brown, G. H. Brown Hardwood Lumber Co', Oakland; C.'R. Taenzer, American Hardwood Co., Los Angeles; C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, and Jerry Sullivan, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego.
The president asked the gathering to stand in silent tribute to two members who have passed on since the last meeting, M. W. "Bill" Davis of San Francisco, and Jerry Sullivan, Sr., of San Diego.
A feature of the president's address was his insistence of the necessity of an advertising campaign to in'crease the use of hardwoods. He recommended that the advertisements be so worded as "to enlist the active and continuous cooperation of the architect, the contractor, the mill man and the retail lumber .merchant."
C. H. White, vice-president, welcomed the delegates to San Francisco, and on behalf of the Dollar Steamship Lines extended an invitation to all present to have luncheon on board the President Hoover.
Secretary-Treasurer Chas. M. Cooper read the minutes of the last annual meeting which was held at Victoria, and also made his treasurer's report.
Kenneth Smith of Los Angeles was the principal speaker at the morning session. Mr. Smith, who went to Chicago as representative of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association to attend the code meeting of the lumber manufacturing industry, gave the gathering a most complete picture of what has been done at Washington in the matter of code legislation. After explaining the different possibilities of the situation, including the action which each state group might take separately, he recommended that the California group prepare to work under a California code in accordance with the California Industrial Recovery A,ct, in case this might later prove'to be the right course of action.
A standing code committee consisting of D. J. Cahill (chairman), C. H. White, Kenneth Smith, Roy Barto and Jerry Sullivan was appointed.
The president appointed a permanent advertising committee to develop an advertising policy and work out a method of financing a campaign. This committee is as follows: C. H. White, San Francisco, chairman; J. E.
Higgins, Jr., San Francisco; Chas. M. Cooper, Los Angeles; James Ahearn, Portland, Ore.; Jerry Sullivan, San Diego; K. L. Bates, Seattle, and H. M. Swafford, Los Angeles.
President Swafford urged that a part of their advertising should be planned to reach the housewife, who is said to place orders for about 90 per cent of all purchases for the home.
The morning session was concluded with a talk by Jerry Sullivan, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego, on "The Future of Hardwood Lumber Business on the Pacific Coast."
After luncheon on board the President Hoover, F. J. Dunbar, manager of the lumber department of the Robert Dollar Co., who acted as host at the luncheon, showed the large group over the great round-the-world liner, which is one of the finest examples in existence of how the various kinds of hardwoods can be used for interior decoration.
President Swafford expressed the thanks of the Association to Mr. Dunbar for the hospitality extended by the Robert Dollar Co.
At the beginning of the afternoon session the president introduced A. B. Hammond, veteran head of the Hammond Lumber Company, who celebrated his 85th birthday, in July, and who has recently recovered from an illness.
D. J: Cahill, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was the principal speaker at the afternoon session. Mr. Cahill, who is the Association's director of the National Hardwood Lumber Association, urged the necessity for maintaining the National organization, and showed how re,cent events have proved this necessity. He also stressed the importance of local organization of each district.
Chas. M. Cooper, secretary-treasurer, recommended that they keep up the monthly bulletins giving information regarding what is gging on in the various districts, and endorsed the president's ideas on the question of advertising.
It was recommended by the membership committee, Bert Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, chairman, that the following be elected members: Reel Lumber Service, Los Angeles; Owens-Parks Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Bohnhoff Lumber Co., Los Angeles; E. A. Howard & Co., San Francisco, and Jones Hardwood Co., San Francisco. All were unanimously elected.
It was decided to hold the next annual meeting in Los Angeles in August 1934, and, that an emergency general meeting on ,code matters may be called by the president if necessary.
As a result of the report of the standing code committee it was decided to leave consideration of what steps to take regarding a code until the National Lumber Code is approved at Washington, and that the San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego groups might make preparations
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