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Calilornia Millwork Industry Fir Plywood Associations Meet Adopts Code

A Code of Fair Competition for the millwork industry of California was unanimously adopted at a meeting of the industry at Monterey, California, on Saturday, August 19, 1933. One hundred eleven firms were represented, whose volume of business and investment constitutes approximately eighty per cent of the entire industry of the state.

With the exception of executives, supervisors and traveling sales force, maintenance men, watchmen and engineers, the Code sets maximum hours of labor to employees at forty hours per week as an average for each half year, with forty-eight hours the maximum for any week.

Minimum wages for unskilled labor are set at forty cents per hour. Minimum wages in what may be termed the higher wage groups, shall proportionately reflect an equitable adjustment based upon long differences in pay schedules.

For the purposes of administering the Code, the State is divided into four geographical sections: Southern California Section (all territory south of the Tehachapi.l ; San Joaquin Valley Section; Bay District Section, ancl Redwood Empire Section.

In order to make membership in the Institute available to everyone, a new redu,ced schedule of temporary dues was adopted. Upon this schedule, forty-two firms signed up for membership at the meeting, and the Secretary was instructed to contact all other firms in the state concerning their membership.

San Francisco Retail Dealers Approve State Retail Code

San Francisco retail lumber dealers unanimously approved and adopted the State Code of Fair Competition as prepared and filed by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and pledged their full support to the State Association in the administration of the Code.

This action was taken at a meeting of all the San Francis,co dealers held August 16.

M. A. Harris, of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., presided at the gathering and F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettnrann Lnmber Co., acted as secretary of the meeting.

East B.y Club Meets Sept. 11

The next regular meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club rvill be held Monday evening, September 11, at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland. Dinner will be served at 6:09 p.m All lumbermen are welcome.

Change of Offices

Effective Friday, September l, L933, the Los Angeles ofifrce of The Pacific Lumber Company and the WendlingNathan Company will be located at 7N South La Brea Ave. The telephon,e number is YOrk 1168. A. J. "Gus" Hoover represents these firms in the Southern California territory.

A joint meeting of the Fir Plywood Associaticns of Northern and Southern California was held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August l2 to determine what action should be taken regarding the drafting of a code for their bnsiness under the National Recovery Act.

As at the hardwood dealers' and hardwood flooring dealers'conventions Kenneth Smith of Los Angeles spoke at length on the possibilities of the situation, and advised the preparation of a State code to be filed in the event that no National code for hardwood jobbers is filed at Washington.

Homer Maris, Maris Plywood Co., San Francisco, president, Fir Plywood Association of Northern California, presided, and in his remarks said the time is ripe for cooperative action between the Northern and Southern groups, and expressed his belief that the exchange of ideas will be beneficial to all of them.

Harry V. Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, president, Southern California Fir Plywood Association, advised the compilation of a single State code for both groups, for wholesaling and retailing of softwood and hardwood panels, pointing out that as their merchandising problems are much the same a uniform code can be filed at Sacramento providing for the slight variations that will be necessary.

D. J. Cahill, Western Hardwood Co., Los Angeles, discussed the question of the classification of jobbers in the plywood manufacturers' code.

A code committee for the Northern group consisting of L. J. Woodson, chairman, C. H. White, Fred Buckley and Bert Bryan was appointed to work with a committee from the Southern group on the drafting of a code.

The attendan,ce included: J. E. Higgins, Jr., San Francisco ; C. H. White and W. T. White, San Francisco; William Davis and James Davis, San Francisco; H. W. Swafford, Los Angeles; Al Iirost, San Diego ; L. I, Woodson, San Fran,cisco; Frank J. Connolly, Los Angeles; Joe Z. Todd, Oakland; Fred Buckley, San Francisco; E. A. Howard and "Bud" Howard, San Francisco; D. J. Cahill, Los Angeles; B. E. Bryan, Oakland; Jerry Sullivan, San Diego; G. H. Brown, Oakland; Grover Gearhart, Los Angeles; Homer B. Maris, San Fran.cisco; H. V. Hanson, Los Angeles; Merrill Robinson, San Francisco; Kenneth Smith, I-os Angeles; W. T. Black, "The California Lumber Merchant", San Francisco.

State Retailers' File Code

The California Retail Lumbermen's Association has filed a Code of Fair Competition at Sacramento as provided for under Section 3 of the Supplement to the California Recovery Act. The Code rvas adopted at a meeting of the Association directors recently held at Santa Barbara.

For the purpose of the administration of the Code, Californra is divided into two districts. Northern and Southern California, each district to establish its own administrative agency. Maximum hours and minimum wages conform to the President's Re-employment Agreement.

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