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Pine Sales Gompany

the finer use items. I noticed in some industrial buildings the use of l2-inch common boards for the decks on built-up roofs and also found an increased interest in the lower grades for sheathing and other rough uses. That, to any Ponderosa Pine man, is not surprising because of the utilitarian uses of the species he has knowledge of in other parts of the country. It just happens that in the Los Angeles area Ponderosa is now being put to many new uses for the first time.

"The nationally known 4-Square brand of Weyerhaeuser is getting increased recognition in Southern California," Mr. Constans stated, "and f am particularly impressed by the growing number of requests for dry lumber from both dealers and builders. Many things happening in this defense program are putting new emphasis on dry lumber and what happens in defense building is quickly reflected to private building. I have no doubt this greater interest in dry lumber is one of the reasons why Ponderosa Pine is winning so man)r new friends in Southern California."

50th Annual Hoo-Hoo Convention to bc Held Odtobor 8-10

The Sfth annual convention of the International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo will be held at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas' on October 8-10.

A one-day pilgrimage to Gurdon, Ark., birthplace of the Order. will be conducted October 9. In connection with this pilgrimage a Golden Jubilee Concatenation will be held in the afternoon.

An outstanding program is being arranged for the convention, details of which will be announced later. The program committee is composed of Don S. Montgomery (Supreme Senior Hoo-Hoo), chairman; L. M. Hawkins, Little Rock, Ark., E. E,. Woods, Kansas City.

The committee on arrangements is headed by L. M. Hawkins, chairman; William Chamberlin, Arkno Lumber Co., Little Rock; T. J. Reynolds, Valley Lumber Co., Hot Springs; H. C. Cave, Gurdon Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Gurdon.

In Charge Of Los Angeles Office

A. D. Johnson, formerly of the San Francisco office, is now in charge of the Los Angeles office of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association.

HlttlllAll ltlA0illl G0., [Tll.


POf,DEROSA and SUGIR PIIlE cltr srocr-Box sHooK



725 Second St W. IVL Gcrland Bldg. DOuglcs l94l trDams 5271

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