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Building Permits for July
Tan Ycars Ago Todey
From September 1, 1931 lssue the selective logging Lumber Company of
Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Association held their annual convention at the Empress Hotel, Victoria, B. C., August 20 to 22. Henry Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, was elected president; C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, was re-elected vice-president, and Charles M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was elected secretary-treasurer.
The appointment of S. V. Fullaway, Jr., as secretary of the newly formed Western Pine Association was announced at a meeting of the board of directors, August 14. Mr. Fullaway ryas formerly secretary-manager of the Western Pine Manufacturers Association.
The board of directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association met at Longview, Wash., August 7. A. C. Dixon of Eugene, Oregon, N.L.M.A. president, presided.
L. A. Ganahl of the Ganahl Lumber Co., Santa Barbara, announced on his rbturn from an automobile trip to Oregon and Washington that he had driven a Ford car 100,000 miles and visited every state in this car.
George Malm of Malm & Angle Lumber Co., Dos Pal,os, won first place in the golf tournament for the J. H. Holmes cup, held at Scotia in connection with the visit of a group of members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to the Redwood Empire.
An article in this issue described program adopted by the Clearwater Lewiston, Idaho.
Dr. Stone Joins Laucks' Staff
Dr. Clarence D. Stone, who has been assistant professor of Forestry at the University of Idaho for the past two years, has recently joined the staff of I. F. Laucks, Inc., Seattle, developers of the reziting system of wood preservation.
Dr. Stone, a member of the Society of American Forestry. has had wide experience in problems of wood technology and will do research and development work for the Laucks company. His particular field of investigation will be the practical application of wood preservatives having fungicidal and dimensional control properties.
San Diego Lumber Company, San Diego, recently added to its lumber handling equipment a new Ross Lift-Truck, and as a further means of speeding up service is repaving half of the vard.
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Pcnels -Concrete FonnC. C. Stock Vertical Grcin Fir cnd Laucn