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82 laah Satuc

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 ycars---Some Less

Quiet in New York

A young American soldier who had been wounded in the Africa fighting, was ordered home as soon as he was fit to travel. Being from the middle west and never having seen New York City, the news that he was to be landed in New York brought him a big thrill. To him New York had always meant something highly exciting, glamorous, with great crowds of interesting people rushing hither and yon.

But they landed in New York on a Sunday morning, and when our young soldier hurried to the heart of the city to see the wonderful sights he had anticipated, he got a let-down that was shocking. Fifth Avenue was just a street, and a practically deserted street. There was no motor traffic but an occasional taxicab. Broadway was no better.

There was nothing noisy, exciting, or glamorous. So far as he was concerned it looked like Podunk, only bigger. So he walked up to a big Irish cop on the corner, and said to him:

"Officer, is this really New York City?"

The cop said: "Sure is, soldier. Why?"

So the boy told him of his great anticipations and expectations, and what a terrific disappointment he was having, New York City not being anything like what he had hoped for. The cop said:

"Well, soldier, I'll tell you. It's kind of a bad time. Sunday morning, you see. All the Catholics are in church. All the Protestants are in bed. And all the Jews are in Washington."

With Tacoma Lumber Sales

W. J. (Jack) Ivey, who has been rvith the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau for 18 years, will become a member of the sales staff of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, September 1. For the past nine years Jack has covered the 11 \Mestern states, including California, and since 1939 has paid most attention to the Southwestertr states, spending the greater part of his time in California. As a result of his work he has a large acquaintance with retail lumber dealers in California and throughout the West. He has made his home for the past several years in North Hollywood.

Cadwallader-Gibson Co. Liquidating

Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles, manufacturers and importers of Philippine hardwoods, announce that their business is being liquidated for the duration.

Precision Kiln Drying Company, with main offices at 621 So. Spring Street, Los Angeles, has leased and is operating the Long Beach dry kilns and mill, and the Los Angeles dry kilns of Cadwallader-Gibson Co.

Principals in the Precision Kiln Drying Company are Roy Barto, J. W. Mcleod, and George Beckman.

Roy Barto continues to operate as an importer of hardwoods from South and Central America and Mexico, with offices at 621 So. Spring Street.


Earl K. Carlson, son of Earl Carlson, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, is spending a 30-day furlough with his parents. He is with the Navy's Amphibious Forces, and took part in the landing in Sicily. He will report for duty again soon somewhere in Virginia.

Earl's other son, James R. Carlson, is in India n'ith tl"rc Army Ferry Command. HARDWOODS (FOREIGN

Douglos Fir Plywood INVASION BAR,GES mqde for United Ncrtions!

O Add invosion borges to ihe long list of wor iobs Douglos Fir Plywood is doing. This sturdy, lightweight engineered lumber is being used for lronsporlotion equipment of oll kinds, for militory ond wor worker housing, for foctory construclion ond scores of oiher purposes. Becouse of this wide ond voried experience, you're sure to find Douglos Fir Plywoodone of your most useful posf-wor construction moteriols.

O Herc's onothcr typc of plywood borgcofficiolly lnown os o lighter-buili by Higgins Induslrios, Inc., of New Orleons. Sider qnd dccts of th$c 18x64foot borgcs orc covcrcd wilh 2 loyers of ft-inch Extcrior-type Douglos Fir Plpood. This Mirqcle Wood oddr rigidity, i: quickly opplicd ond cosily rcpoired if domogcd.

IO HII,P SPEED VICTORY thc Douglor Fir Plywood Indurfqf ir drvoting itr on tlr. copqcity lo wor productlon. Wcknowfhlrpo. grom hor your opprovol.


Scores of ocluol photogrophs show plyrood's busywor corcer. Write Douglor Fir PlywoodAssociotion, Tocono 8ldg,, Tocomo, Woshington for YOUR copy.

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