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Here uill be listeil, lrom ksuc to issue, names ol men lrom the lumber ht' dustry uho haoe cntereil war sernice, in any branch ol the armcil forccs. Please scnd in thc names ol ony lumbermdn you knou ol that uc can lkt hcrc.

E. J. LaFranchi, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland ....Navy

Charles B. White, White Brothers, San Francisco Navy

C. M. (Chuck) Flanagin, King Lumber Company, Delano, Calif. ....Naval Air Force

John Vosmek, Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland........Navy

Ilorace R. Williams, West Oregon Lumber Co., San Francisco .. ......Navy

Bovard Shibley, Union Lumber Co., San Francisco..Army

Manuel Cicogni, Hills Flat Lumber Co., Grass Valley ... .Navy

Lyle S. Vincent, Jr., West Oregon Lumber Co., Portland Navy Seabees

Calls On Mills

A. M. Charter, manager of Wholesale Builcling Supply. fnc., wholesale lumber and building material dealers, Oakland, returned August 2O from a trip to Northrvest anrl Northern California sawmills.


2fi)1 Livingcton Strect KEllog 4r8E4

207th Terrible Twenty Golf Tournament

Eddie Bauer, Bohnhoff Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was host to about twenty members and guests of the "Terrible Twenty Tournaments" at the regular monthly tournament held at Hacienda Country Club, August 12, at which "Most Terrible" Bob Falconer won the handsome gold filled trophy put up as first prize. It turned out a great day for Bobs, with Bob Osgood taking second prize. Scores were: Falconer 88-18-70; and Osgood 80-9-7I. Art Harff, Nickey Bros., Los Angeles, woll the guest prize, r.r'hich the donor termed a "doggy" sweater.

In the match play, first flight, Bob Osgood won with a bye; Roy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, defeated Frank Berger 1 up; Eddie Bauer defeated Helmer Hoel, Claremont Lumber Co., Claremont, Calif., 4/3; and Clarence Bohnhoff, Bohnhoff Lumber Co., defeated Geo. Lockwood, J. C. Niederer Co., Los Angeles, on the 21st hole. In the second flight Vic Jones defeated Bill Broxholme 1 up; Hervey Bowles, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Los Angeles, defeated Earl Heber, E. J .Stanton & Son, 5/4; and Gene De Armond, Pacific Cabinet Co., Los Angeles, defeated George Gartz I up.

Winners of the annual trophies for medal and match play during the past 12 months rvere: Helmer Hoel (Radio) ; Bob Osgood (War Bonds) ; Sid Alling (Fly Rod); Roy Stanton (Smoking Set); Bob Falconer (Dining Table); and De Witt Clark (War Bond).

Frank Berger will be host at the next tournament, to be held at Oakmont Golf Club in September.

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