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Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Announcement New \Tholesalc Lumber Concern
In this issue of The California Lumber Merchant there appears an announcement of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau which frankly sets forth the predicament which the manufacturers find themselves in. In the interest of the retail lumber dealer this announcement perhaps should have been made earlier in the year, but it was hoped and believed that conditions in the Pacific Northwest would improve. The shingle industry is in a critical area and conditions are aggravated by a shortage of logs and manpower and the imperative demand for shingles created by war housing and other government requirements.
The situation calls for sympathy rather than blame' The Red Cedar shingle industry is one of the oldest in the United States. In the last decade it has done much to promote its product and improve quality, and throughottt the years has fostered the sale of their product through the wholesale and retail lumber dealers.
Box Factory Has New Owner
The American Box Corporation took over the box factory and lumber inventory of the Crater Lake Lumber Co. at Sprague River, Ore., August 2. The liquidation of the Crater Lake Lumber Co. is proceeding.
P. M. Cowbrough, formerly sales manager of Crater Lake Lumber Co. has been appointed resident manager for Associated Box Corporation at Sprague River.
Announcement is made of the opening of offices by tlre McDuffee Lumber Sales Corporation at 58 Monadrrocl< Building, San Francisco.
The new organization is headed by a rvell known Sarr Francisco lumberman, Dana E' McDuffee.
Mr. McDufiee was associated with Tarter, Webster & Johnson, San Francisco for the past nine years, and was nranager since the beginning of 1937 until he resigned recently to go into business for himself. Prior to that he was with Weyerhaeuser Sales Company for 12 years, part of this time on the road, and later as manager of the district office at Minneapolis, and manager of the industrial division at Chicago.
For the past 15 months he has been a member of the Lumber Manufacturers' Advisory Committee of the War Production Board.
The telephone number of McDufiee Lumber Sales Corporation is GArfield 7196.
Makes Air Trip To Central America
James Davis of the Davis Hardwood Company, San Francisco, recently made a business trip to Mexico, Guate' mala and Nicaragua. He traveled by Pan American Airways.
Davis Hardwood Company is doing a large business with shipyards, the United States Government and war industries. They are dealers in domestic and foreign hardwoods and plywood, and manufacturers of hardwood ply panels.