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Subrcriptior Pricc, tf2.lXl pcr Singlc Copicr,25 ccntr cach.



How Lumber Looks

\illhile the Cdifornia demand ir light, which ir rearonal, the dealerr are anticipating a heavier volume during the last two weekc of the month.

Douglas fir cargo. Orring to the hcavy demand from the Atlantic Coart, the fir market at the mills is v€ry firm. Moot of the millr have plenty of businesr on their books. It ir felt that the extra weekts curtailment during the month of September, which is being done by dl the miUs carrying out the 2OVo'cvthihnent program, will have the effect of further etrenglhening of pricer. No. 2 vertical grain fooring is very scarce and the market is shonger; moct of the large fooring rnanufacturer! afe oversold on this item for 60 to 90 d"ys. Clears are very firm and pricer will probably ad' yance. Comrnonr remain about rame with price* firm.

Douglas fir rail. The market continuer rtrong. The millr report that the August demand was the heaviest on record for that month and the demand continuee good. The de' mand for mixed'car rhiprnentr is very etrong. Lon' grade stock ic Ecarce with the market vcry firm" ttr.l.&A*

Unrold stoclc at San Pedro harre rhown a slight decrease during the past week. There are 32 hurrber versek tied up.

Shinglee are tcarce, eopecially clearr, and the rnarket is getting rtronger. Lath pricer are holding well.

The R.edwood market remrinr about the same with pricer firm and rteady. The California White and Swar Pine d'emand continues good with pricel rtrong in all grades.

Record rhipmentr feetured tfie lumber movement for tte week ended September 1, according to reportr to the National Lumber Manufacturerr Arsociation from 825 of the corurtry'r leading roftwood and hardwood mills as com' pared with 856 mills the week before. Total ahipmentr


21.22 reached 4O9r96Or(Xn feet, a new high for the yearl pr-oducl tion amounted to 362,046,000 fe€t, varTing slightly' bered on mill averaget' from the week before, while o-rde-rt shorred an appieciable increare, according to the came balir. In the hardwood Stoupr the averager in all three itemr were higher -than for t[e week before. With fifteen fewer millr reporting in the coftwood branch of the ind'ustry, therg w1u a i-att it"r"ge decline in production, but a substa{rtial gain in rhipments -and orders. - The We* Coast Lumbermentr Ar*ociation reported jor 228 identical mills production -ar 1901551,882 f.et, which was 16.1? per cent rndel capacity for the thirty-five weeks of this year. The Southern Pine Association ieported production at 72rO45rlOG feet tor 152 milb unib, which figure was conriderably below the threeyear averageThe totil coftwood movement for the first 35 weeks of 1928 chows: Prod'uction, 9,474,f35. M feet; Shipmentr' 10,087,733 M feet; Orders, 1q161'691 M feet.

A big attendance is expected at the meeting of members and directors of the California White and Sugar Pine Association, to be held at Klamath Falls, Ore., September 21 and. ?2, according to C. Stowell Smith, secretary-manager of the association.

President J. M. White has issued a general invitation to the directors of the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association to be present, and a number of these have already accepted.

The r4eeting will be held in the new club house of the Link River Golf Club, and H. D. Mortenson, P'elican Bay Lumber Co., chairman of the entertainment committee, has charge of the arrangements.

Th-is being the firit members' and directorsl meeting held sinc.e last spring, there is naturally an accumulation of important matters to be discussed.

For the mills of the West Coast Lumberments Association, the report showr for thic rarne period: Production, 4r169,110 lltrfeet; Shipmentr, 41464,886 M feet; Orden, 4'' 506,617 M feet.

According to tte reportr the figrrree of the Aesociation mills for California White and Sugar Pine for thir period, ir ar followr: Production, 8671622 M feet; Shipments' 927'349 M feet; Orders' 918'482 M feet.

Here are the figurer on Southenr Pine for the fint 35 weekr of 1928: Production, 2,401,279 M feet; Shipmentr' 216911784 M feet; Orders, 2,6041687 M feet.

The report showc the total hardwood movement for this rame period as followr: Production, 117231616 M feet; Shipmentr, 117971666 M feet; Orden, 118371734 M feet.


W. H. "Bill" Morrison has resigned his position as manager of the Los Angeles office of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. to become sales manager for the S. E. Slade Lumber Co., with headquarters in their Los Angeles office. Mr. Morrison has been connected with the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. for four and a half years, and for the past two years has been manager of their Los Angeles of6ce. Before coming to Los Angeles, he represented the company in the Sa-n Francisco tirritory, and also spent a year for them in Florida.

He will take over his new duties about the middle. of the month.

San Francisco August Cargo Arrivals

Douglas fir cargo arrivals in August at San Francisco totaled- 47,186,Offi- feet. Redwood cargo arrivals in the same period were 22,969,@O f.ee!.

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