1 minute read
R edwrrod has a real Sales Story o. ilrle lrorr telling L?
The combined qualities that reeommend California Redwood for exterior and interior home construction are found in no other speeies. Each quality forms a new sales story for the retail lumber dealer to tell his eustorner.
In your comrnuoity new homes are being built and rnany others corltemplated. How many are and wilt be Redwood homes? Are these prospeets fully acquainted with the adaptability of Redwood for home construetion? Have you told them the Redwood story?
Redwood homes in your district are permanent records in your favor. Redwood sales build profit in dollars and good will, a profit you should not be missing.
Eedwood ls a Irer:satile Wood
For home exteriors, Redwood has no equal. Roofso walls and founda. tions of Redwood will rerve without attention for generations. fts durability ie inherent.
For the home inte. rior Redwood responds to its fullest beauty. Sand etching brings out thc depth ofgrain-hand' hewn beams give charac. ter and personalitypaneled walls impart dis" tinetion and provide a restful background of richnees and quality-i11 antique treatment Red. wootl proves a master me. dium.