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We have manufactured and installed PACIFIC Tanhs, Pipe and Vats for mining and milling companies, irrigation districts, etc., continuously since 1888. If you have a problem let our engineers help youSend

"Bill, while dl the parties are claiming a good deal, I see those lumber people are asking to be elected to something or other. I kinda like the way they have made big, thin" strong boards without losing the natural looks of the tpood."

"You're using sense, Joe. I first noticed that us common folks could get that kind of material without owning our own plant, when the kid brought home a job he did in school last year. We found we could get it at the yards, same as common lumber, and that it 'went a whole lot farther with lots less work." *Yeah. I found that about it."

"You say they're running for some office?"

"Avr, not exactly. They just advertised they'd like the job of Second Assistant to the Home Carpenter, First Assistant to 'the Real Carpenter, and Secretary of the Intdrior, or something. All there was to it was a notion to sell Pa-co."

"Yeah? Well, ain't they?"

said the boss carpenter, "l've seen styles of houses

e e f tlB used almost every I kind of wood, in this time. 'But this new Pa-co is the time-saver! Saws wherever t h e blue-Print says to go. Strong-got a constitution, a sort of skel- eton strength of its own because of the Plies lYingin oPposite directions and reinforcing each other. I can nail it right close to the edge. Andit sure is PrettY -finishes mighty nice."

Made from selected logs, affording beautiful fir figure. Carefully graded. Ready at your retailers in handY sizes.

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