3 minute read
Douglas Fir Plywood Manufacturers Now Organized
The annouricement of the formation of the Douglas Fir Plywood- Ins_titute,,with offices in Tacoma, Washirigton, is the result of months of careful organization work-on ihi part of several of the.lead-i_ng manuf-acturers of Douglas Fir Plywood in the Pacific No-rthwest. This organirition is one that has been contemplated for some time,-and the suc- cessful conclusion of the preliminary work is of great importance.
' The tremendous growth and progress of the Douglas Fir Plywood Industry in the past^feri years has been little short of marvelous. An unlimited supply of raw material close at hand, coupled with the most mode.n manufactur- ready being_reflected in the uniformity of the product of the member mills. This standardization-of grading and grad- ing rules will benefit everyone connected-with tle plyiood industry. It will place Douglas Fir Plywood on a pa'r with other standard products of the country and will eliminate the confusion caused by many differenl grading standards.'
_A program of advertising will be outlined, designed to educate the various marketing factors to the multitude of uses for Douglas Fir Plywood. This advertising will be directed to retail dealers, contractors and builder-s, manufacturers and consumers.
The establishment of a research laboratory is one of the ing methods and machin- most important i."t"r.. err.her-entlfT)nrrolacE-il_^crL.i-^.:....-n-.-^-
-. - tpl :(rrccu crici'r:L: anu prac- prc-eminence rhroughout l@mmill tical men rvill combine the countrv lffiffiill their efforts in this laboraTheorganizationofthe|Iffiltorytofindamethodof Douglas Fir Plv*'ood In- |reffiffi1 Pr.oducins Plywood that stituteisanexpressionof|@|willgivelongandsatisadesireonthepartofthe|ffi'"r|factoryserviceunderStren. rrrd.'ulacLLrtcrs Lo Detter lGl,+.f, uvur Lvrrurlrurrs. vr:-- di,u rrrsLrr- II- l, r ne orilcers anc trustees rrr-:vu riruu-s- tE f, Llr Lile rn:t:rute are ail men try and to further the use ,who have been identified
Phil Garlanit and extend the scope of w"!--L:,I1* wittr ttre pty*""a
Ed. we$man d,
The objects of the Institute are set forth in the Articles President; Mr. Ed. Westman, Washington Veneer Co., of Association. In part, they are : To encourage and in- 9]_{*pig' W_ash., Vice-Presidglt; Mr. K. W. Steinhardt, crease the use of Douglas'Fir Plywood in tfie United Elliott BaLMill Co, Seattle, Wash., Treasurer; Mr. Wm. States by cooperative advertising. To establish and main- L. Raw-n, Tac.oma, Wash., Secretary. tain all such lawful trade custoris and usages for the pro- ^.The following^ are Trustees: Mr. Henry McCleary, Mctection of the members as the Associatiorimay deem^ad- ClearyTimb_er Co., Mdleary, Wash.; Mr. Thomas Autzen, visable. To collect and disseminate statistics -concerning Portland Manufactlring Co., Portland, Oregon; Mr. the Douglas Fir Plywood Industry. To establish uniforri Thomas Bobi:rson, Robinson Manufacturing Col Everett, grades and standards of products. To provide architects, W".lt. ; Jt.F. Q'- Wa!t91, Walton Veneei Co., Everett, dealers and builders with an organized'and always avail- Wash. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer are able guarantee of quality. To constantly improve methods tr9:tees- by virtue of their office. of manufacture. - The following companies pre members of the Institute:
The Articles further state: "This Association shall not, Buffelen Lumber & Manufacluring Co., Tacoma, Wa-s!r.; either directly or indirectly fix, regulate or control the Elliott Bay Mill Company, Seattl-e, W^ash,; Hq$y Mcp'i;;;,..;;tp,i r.","q"'9 or'sare or piywood or attempt.,, ,?;1,? &iliilr:"i"lf,:lf"A;.Yi'jill"l#.ift:*_UaiJjl; do so'" with the Articles of Association clearly stating co., Everett, wash.; Tacoma veneer co., Tacoma, wash.; the purpose of the Institute, the individual members ari free io riottow tnlii own methods and plans in the market- Walton Veneer Co., Everett, 'Wash'; Washington veneer t1rg 3ld -.i.t"rrJi.ing 9f their pioa'ucts- .The-D;*sq: f;,i;rn3tt-pia'. wash'; wheeler-osgood co', Tacoma, Fir Plywood Institute will not aftempt to interject itielf offices have been established in the washington Build- as a factor in regulating prices or production.
.,. ll ..f1,:iLl i-1"p::tion service has already been started li.*'hl1f,il?i.washington, where the trnstitute will have by the Members of the Institute-. .Competent men are con- Th; ;*;i;tio' of the Douglas Fir plywood Institute, stantly insp-ecting the product of the members, maintaining will do m"uch to sta6ilizelhe-O?"if", 1lir plywood Indus_ a strict uniformity of grades' try. It will be welcomed by evefone that comes in con. Standard Grading Rules for Douglas Fir Plywood have tatt with Douglas Fir Ply#ooa aira without a doubt will been adopted-by the trustees and the membei mills, and be a strong fa-ctor in the development of this tr"""n of are now in effect. Each manufacturer is endeavoting. to the lmblr-industry, and will increlse the prestige of Doug- produce -a product that will strictly conform to the Grading las Fir Plywood is an all-purpose cons'tructi[n material Rules adopted and the reSults of this rigid grading is al-- throughoui the United States. '