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Great Company Organized in Louisiana Takes Over Finkbine Redwood Properties
The Southern Redwood Company is the name of a new cor-poration, just organized at Bogalusa, Louisiana, controlled.by the great Goodyear interists which own and op- erate the Great Southern Lumber Company, at Bogalusi, and which has taken over all the properties of the" Finkbine-Guild Lumber Company in 'Caiifornia and in the South.
The Finkbine-Guild Lumber Company have for several year.s been-.developing a 'Western-Southern Redwood op- eration. They bought a great stand of Redwood in Caiifornia, ins-talled equipment for logging, manufacturing into cants, and transporting by steamei to the coast of Mississippi, where the cants are hauled inland to their former Southern Pine mill at D'Lo, Mississippi. They have brought their operatioh to a volume of -ibout 40;000,000 feet annually. The lumber is being marketed in the South and East. The transporting of the Redwood timbers to the Gulf has been done by Td-e Redwood Line, which Line is also. taken over by_the Southern Redwood Company.
The officers of The Southern Redwood Comiany are: $. C. _Qoqdyear, President; C. W. Goodyear, Vice -president; M. E. Omsted, Vice President and General Manager.
It is announced that no changes are planned for the Cili- fornia end of the operation other th-an contemplated increase in capacity and production. It is'announced that for the present the Finkbine mill at D'Lo will continue to operate on Redwood for the present, but this will probably