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Manufacturera of Dougtar Fir and Port Orford Cedar

Sawmillr, Marshfield, Oregon

Distributing P.lant . Bay Point

Annual Production

200,000,000 Feet


Bay Point, CaL

San Francisco Sales Ofice f208 Balfour BIdg.

Lor Angeles Oftce, #.T,;'ft;ijl be only until the- big mill at Bogalusa is prepared for such cu.!!inq,. .As rapidly as possible one side of the Bogalusa mill will be converted inio a Redwood mill, with eve-ry facility. and appliance for cutting, handling, and drying-this wood.

The story is this: The Great Southern Lumber Company operate the biggest mill in the South at Bogalusa, with a production as high as a million feet a d,aylt fuli capacity.. They_ have planned for many years thai by the time their supply- of virgin Southern PinL was gone,'their second growth timber,. which they have been-preparing and protecting on a gigantic and- scientific scaie, woulE be ready for the saw. It is understood that their cutting o{ virgin timber has been faster than their plans, so thai th.ey have need of more virgin timber to kiep the great mill busy until the second growth of Southern Piie is ready, and to keep up their program of continuity of op- eratiorl. So, attracted by the Finkbine Redwood opera- tion, they_got to looking into the Redwood situation, there being no Pine timber available in the vicinitv of their mill. It is said that they contemplated buyine Redwood and instal.ling an operation tike thit of Finlibini, but their investigations. have finally resulted in their buying the Finkbine properties instead. They will probably dlvo-te part of their plant to cutting at leait 50,000,000 feet of Rldwood per llnum-,thu,s greatly extending the life of the Southirn Pine side of their.milt. -

In "Robbins" Floorine vou are assured of the very fin-est that has ever been, or ever w,ill be produced. O u _r geographical locaiion, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men- who makeour flooring, all go to make this statemenlpo-ssrl_le. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.

Southcra California


535-6 Pctroleum Securiticr Btdg. Lor Angelce

WErtmorc ggli5

NortLcra California:

GEORGE C. CORNITIUS Merchantr Exchangc Bldg, iten rrancttco JrRonmrxslFuoomrNc

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