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Yon zrre protecting yourseli when you handle grade-rnarked doors / /
I orrrNrrE quality, identified by the grade A mark on Douglas Fir House and Garage Doors, enables you to satisfy your customers on the exact grade of doors most economical for their needs.
The members of this association have received hundreds of letters endorsing grade-marking and trade-marking.
All the wodd recognizes these remarkable qualities
Here in the Douglas Fir region, the doot industry has made tremendous advances . . . in manufacture, in distribution, and in merchandising. Modern machinery and skilled' craftsmen have produced the most beautiful designs, to fit any architecnrral scheme.
Tbe letters lffi or Do4lat Fir dur' made by menber milk of tb is Association, uiil b;ot'ide anhilcct' deahr, bdlder and iuert uitb an aluayaoailablegtar' aanc ofasalin. It mcaw tbat comreten, insned6; bat'i intbeacd the maufacnrc an7.gradiyg of t.be.|rodu1 b.earing lbis ,lade m4rk, and thdt tttch tt,o/tconl,rm to tlte tardard gradx adoPted by membert of tbe Asnciation.
Douglas Fir grade-marked house and gar;age doors are a. profitable item make your door dcpartnent an important one and cash iri on its possibilities. Any of the rnills listed belo-qr will be glad to send you a copy of the grading rules adopted by the members of the \Testern Door' Manufacnrrers' Association.