2 minute read
Legislature Adopts New Bank and Corporation Tax Amendement
The California state legisl.ature adopted the new bank and corporation tax amendment at a special session on September 5.
The proposal, which proposes a 4 per cent tax on the net income of banks and corporations, will be placed upon the ballot for the November general election, for ratificltion of the people.
The Diamond Match Co.
(Continued from Page 24)
Th,ey maintain an Architectural Department at the headquarters office at Chico, from which central point the Branch Managers draw their plans and architectural assistance. Through this department they furnish free plans for home builders, and in this way work for non-competitive business. They have found, as have other good merchants, that when you sell a certain home, you don't have to cut the price of the building material. One of their best advertisements is that they furnish the plans free for the buildings into which their materials go. Each of their branches has a display and sales room where the customer can look over plans and pictures of buildings.
They are hooked up with a substantial building and loan association that works with them in the building of homes, and helps greatly in developing home building.
The entire organization believes in modern service to create business, in doing the building thinking for their respective communities, and in furnishing new ideas, helps "nd pl"nr for modernizing the buildings of the town and district.
The Diamond Match Company is noted for its clean business methods and fine code of ethics.
Large Dimensions in Fir Panels
The latest development in the Fir plywood industry on the Pacific Coast is the production of large sizes up to ten feet long.
The picture we shorv below is of a panel five feet wide and ten feet long. It is taken in the yards of White Brothers. the well known hardwood dealers of San Francisco.
This plywood is available in three ply, one quarter inch and five sixteenths thick and in five ply, five eighths and three quarters of an inch in thickness.
Iferetofore Fir or "Oregon Pine" plywood has been made in sizes up to 48" wide and 84" long. New machinery has now made available sizes up to 60" wide and l2U' long.
This large size plywood fills a long felt want. Rooms can now be panelled full length from floor to ceiling. Larger surfaces make the woodlvork used in interior trim more attractive.
The three quarter inch thick five ply Fir plywood has a thousand uses, such as cupboard doors, bin and case ends, table tops, painted furniture of all kinds, etc. Now that it is carried in such large sizes, its usefulness is greatly increased.
The Douglas Fir plywood industry is a vast one, the product being shipped from the Pacific Coast to all parts of the United States and to the principal ports of the world.