5 minute read
Terse and Interesting Marks Aid Aviators Conditions in Northwest Good
Will Rogers, famous humorist of Beverly Hills, and persons of lik6 mind, are urging that names of cities and other identificatiott -"iks be p-lacid on roofs of buildings for the convenience of air traveiers. In this connection it is noticed that the words "El Rey Products Company" have been inlaid with Venetian red on black-on the roof of the company plant at 1633 San Pablo street, I-os Angeles. - Bisides the great number of craft that fly ov-er Souttrern California in the regular course of events, such gatherings as the National Air Races at Mines Field this month will bring hundreds of new planes and thousands of visitors to this iection. "If cities and business establishments knew how such marks help us who fly," said one aviator, "there would be more of them. They are not only a convenience, but in many cases may operate for our safety as well."
It has been predicted that the time is not far off when names and addresses on roofs of buildings for those who tlavel in the air will be as common as are now those items of information above the doorways for travelers on the earth to see.
Structural Grades for California Redwood Adopted by Association
The California Redwood Association adopted August 12, the Division of Highways, desk September ll, from his vacation.
1928 two new st of Redwood. These were developed in State of rte,designed to meet the requirewill assure a serviceable and de- ments for tim pendable combination of strength and inherent durability.
The grades are, Dense Select All-Heart Structural, and Select All-Heart Structural.
The Division of Highways is now specifying Redwood in these new grades in much of its bridge and trestle work.
Says Gardner
H. C. Gardner and family have returned to Los Angeles from a two weeks' automobile tour of the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Gardner is Director of Sales, Security Department of the Monolith Portland Midwest Company, and although the tour was primarily a pleasure trip, a business survey , w-as made by hlm in the interests of the comPany.
"I1 h;d been seviral years since I had visited the Northwest," said Mr. Gardner on his return, "and I was surprised and gratified to see the development and improvement on every hand. Conditions there appear to be extremely good. I lived several years in Seittti and Portland, and renewed Iriendships with many former associates. I attended the corner stone laying and dedication of the new 27-story Northern Life bu-ilding in Seattle while there. I was closely_ connected with D. B. Morgan, president of the Northern Life Insurance company aiil his brother, the late T. M. Morgan, in the early days of the company."
Qolusa Rotary Club Enioy { Redwood Pictures
Colusa Rotary Club broke all recent attendance records September 4, when Jim Farley of The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, attended thCir meeting and showed the company's movjng pictures depicting the manufacture of Rediryood from ihi tiee to the c-ar. T-his is a very effective method of advertising, and one which is rendering a real service to the industry as a whole.
R. B. Davenport, who has been connected with the Calilornia Redwood Association, and has recehtly been calling on the retail trade, has resigned.
We cater to the small yard-----
And the smalter dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our quick shipment of anything and everything for the building tradc by car or truck makcs it possible for the small dealer to give tip-top lervice to his tradc, and yet keep down his investment, his insurance end his ovcrhead.
in High Earlyl Strength, Waterproof, Plastic, Oilproof .
Victor Hydro-Plastic Cenrent embodies those qualities which, in combination, make the perfect cefirent for a wide range of construction.
fts exceptional high early strength makes it highly essential for jobs where the dme element is important.
Vhere concrete construction that offers lasting resistance to water penetration is required, its water. prcof qualities make it practically indispensable.
Berng oilproof it is vastly superior for constnrction where petroleum products are factors to contmd with.
Extreme plasticity makes it easier to handle; it works faster than ordinary oement-and these qual. ities do not in the least detract from its pef,rnanent strength.
Wlwrever there is neeil for speeil, getutine guality, petmanent resistance to n ater anil oil, anil lasting strangth, Victor HgilroPlastic Cement is an investment that pays ilipiilenils. Ash us for complele information and aclual records of semice.
605 H. V. Hellman Bldg. . Los Angeles, Calif.
"I have a profound conviction that the time is hele when eyery business man must be made to see that the present system of cut-throat competition in evidence in practicaliy every line of commercial enterprise, is deliberate suicide, and must.be replaced by a kindlier collective policy, with every matr- willing that every one shall have their place in the surt and a fair show so long as they live up to the rules of the game."
-James B. Keister, president, the National Paint & Varnish Association.
No Parking
The saddest words our eyes may meet Are those we meet along the street "No Parking".
We hunt for hours a place to stay And then we find to our dismay "No Parking".
Still in a great metropolis
Our streets would clog and men would hiss If it were not for signs like this "No Parking".
Life is sort of like that too fn all that's worth our while to do "No Parking".
Though we would park for rest or fun There's many a job that must be done"No Parking".
And as we live from day to day
We notice those who make life pay Are those who need no one to say "No Parking".
A woman has to be much more self-conscious these days, than she used to. Fof instance, she has to remember to take her cigarette out of her mouth before she pulls her night gown over her head.
It Snowed Where He Came From
"Does it snow much in your country?" asked the Southerner of the Canadian.
"Snow?" exclaimed the Northern person. "Listen, friend. The snow was so deep on our farm last wintet we had to jack our cows up to milk 'em." I
Blame The Telephone
The tired business min came home after a long day at the office. The family gathered for dinner. The tired business man bowed his head to ask the customary blessing. All was quiet.
"This is Mr. Jones speaking", he began.
"How do you want to buy these goods?"
"The best vay f can."
"How will you pay for them?"
"Ve[, f vill gif you my note for four months."
"Is your note good?"
"My frient, if my note vas goot, I vould make notes, not pants.tt
The Epitaph
If I should die in youth
This epitaph is true:
"Ah, great the things he planned, That he would one day do.i'
If I should die in age, Carve this upon my stone:
"Ah, wonderful the deeds while r am only "" .L:J;ffT our,""e r should follow the same formula if .I were a merchant or a manufacturer. I should speed up my business with style, color, change, light, brevity, contrast. These are the things that stimulate people's minds-and speed is largely a matter of mental stimulus.
He dreamed he might have done."
-S. L. Rothapfel (Roxy).